How Much Does Your Freedom and Your Rights Mean to You?

How Much Does Your Freedom and Your Rights Mean to You?

I know this is going to seem nonsensical, contradictory and just plain nuts, but it’s happening. It’s long so please bear with me cause lord knows it took me all stinkin’ day to write it out while translating from German.

Not to mention the amount of time it took to type, proof read and then have the balls to send it to everyone I know. I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t tell you. So here we go.

The fact that there’s another wave coming and the need for the 3rd, 4th and 5th vaccine means that measures up until now have failed and we are in the midst of a serious global economic crisis on top of spiritual warfare.

I broke down the spiritual warfare in my last article and now I’m going to do my best to break down the economic crisis that we are about to endure if we don’t do something about it now.

And thanks to Ernst Wolff from IWF-und, Finanzexperte, I can share the information I stumbled upon and relay to you all.

Like I said we are in the midst of a serious global economic crisis: worldwide production is in disarray, supply chains are broken, harvests have been lost and will continue to be lost while our food supply has bottlenecked.

What we are experiencing in the here and now is a brutal increase of inflation worldwide. We’ve all experienced hardships in some which way shape or form whether it be not being able to pay rent, job loss, shortages, etc. I’m telling you the intention here is to destroy our economy.

Let’s start by asking who has an interest in this global agenda, or better yet who profits the most, who’s the puppeteer? I’ll tell you…..


“What we are experiencing in the here and now is a brutal increase of inflation worldwide.”

Digital-Financial Complex (DFC) which is a special interest community with the largest IT corporation’s and the largest asset managers of our time.  Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook. The market capitalization all these five companies alone is worth 9.1 trillion USD.

Also involved are asset managers BlackRock, Vanguard and Fidelity which currently manage 220.6 trillion USD.  IT companies control hundreds of thousands of other companies organizing their digital systems with constant overview of their data streams.

The IT industry is a tumor that’s managed to metastasize over the year’s in all branches of the economy making these companies dependent on them while dominating them.

“Aladdin Data Cloud”, the greatest fund and financial information the worlds ever seen uses their knowledge to advise the largest central banks in the world….The Federal Reserve and the EZB (European Central Bank).

In the last quarter alone, these companies have made the largest profits in their whole history. The Global Power Centre is DFC (Digital-Financial Complex) that’s driving everything. It stands far above all governments and is ready and capable at any given moment bring every government cabinet to it knees and forcing ’em to be compliant.

All the methods introduced by the DFC since the start of the pandemic would seem almost as if it is the undermining of the very system from which it benefits.

FOR EXAMPLE…..if the DFC destroys small businesses, it destroys its own livelihood because they pay the most tax revenues and create the most jobs. When inflation increases it hurts the DFC and when it destroys social peace, then increasing inequality it also destroys those who it makes its business from missing the reality that is.

AND HERE’S HOW IT WORKS….The DFC has no choice but to have a formulated written agenda where it’ll accumulate more power, then sit back and enjoy the fruits of it’s labor.

A gigantic act of desperation, the biggest in the history of mankind caused by the system to which the DFC can no longer be kept alive with the persons business model. It came close to it’s demise during the World Financial Crisis of 2207-8 so the central instructed a shit ton of money to be created out of thin air.

The money then had to increase over the next 12 years while reducing interest rates making the system very unstable.  A new collapse was threatening but was postponed by reducing interest rates to zero which brought about a new situation.

A further deferral of interest rates would now have to go negative destroying the foundation of the current banking system. Banks can’t operate long-term with negative interest rates. So a further deferral with this approach just isn’t possible. Long story short, we’d be forced into hyper-inflation. The DFC now finds itself left with two choices….

1. The final collapse
2. Hyper-inflation

Which would result in the total loss of the value of money. DOH! But instead they chose to impose a new system. A double strategy. On one side, out of the view of the public, and the other side is the end phase of the present dying system.

To watch us nose dive by using all it’s little tricks of the trade which is exactly what’s been happening since March of 2020.

“Long story short, we’d be forced into hyper-inflation.”

Deliberate and premeditated destruction of the world economy for the exclusive expansion of the DFC while simultaneously prepping the central banks with a new system and in collaboration with the IT corporations complete removal of cash. DAMN GINA, that’s insane!

On top of that, the introduction of digital money from central banks resulting in us having a single bank account which all transactions wont be happening from your normal neighborhood banks but rather through a central bank.


Digital central banks are programmable and since they can create unlimited amounts of money out of thin air they’re able to operate with negative interest rates without destroying the system. It’ll allow governments to oversee all transactions made, allow them to assign us various tax rates and impose individual fines.

They can also place an expiring limit on a part of our money requiring us to spend certain amounts in a certain period of time. They can also regime our money to be used for specific purposes requiring specific amounts be paid for certain products or that they be sourced only from certain regions.

Above all, governments will be in the position to cancel our ability to make all transactions by the click of a mouse. Shutting us down financially. Go ahead and reread that  last sentence and let it resonate a wee bit.

Digital central banking would be the most efficient tax collection method for society that’s ever occurred in the history of man resulting in nothing more, nothing less than the realization of an all-encompassing dictatorship.

What about public resistance you say? Who the bleeps gonna okay such disenfranchisement? Surely all this nonsense will produce ginormous social unrest.

Well don’t think they haven’t thought about that little mundane detail. Knowing how much it will be resisted they planned to drive society into complete chaos imposing their plan as a solution to all the problems in the form of……wait for it…….a Universal Basic Income (UBI).

Think this is horse manure? HAS to be a conspiracy theory, right? Take a look at everything that’s happened in the last 18 months. Under the pretext of fighting an illness, causing devastating and irreparable damages have been done to our health, economy and finances.

And as the days continue, day in and day out it’s gradually getting worse. And in parallel to the social rift, society is systematically deepening resulting in social unrest and will eventually lead to a worldwide civil war people.

Which is exactly what they want. Divide and conquer at it’s finest. Maximum social chaos to introduce the UBI so they can be the hero and take total chaos and turn it into total control.

“Millions of people out of work will need some sort of income, right? Here’s another stimulus check!”

AND if that wasn’t enough, here comes the introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI). In case anybody hadn’t stopped to think about the fact that we’re in the middle of the 4th Industrial Revolution and expect to see the loss of millions and millions of jobs, maybe you should.

Consumers will disappear. Demand for consumer goods will collapse since our current economic system is consumer driven. Millions of people out of work will need some sort of income, right? Here’s another stimulus check! Thanks President Biden, what a joke!

Hellooooo it’s already happening in our backyards. It’s all part of the master sick as fuck plan. It’s called the ‘Destruction of the present economic system to benefit the elites’ establishing a new system under the guise of wanting to help humanity. Makes me sick to my stomach.

You can always “fact check” this shit by picking up a copy of The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab. His World Economic Forum (WEF) plays a big role in this whole agenda. The WEF has exceeded over the past 50 years to become the most important control centre of the DFC.

Business leaders were brought together, then they added the politicians, and then the media creators in commanding roles and all the prominent figures networking together. In the 90’s there were specific training programs “Global Leaders of Tomorrow” and “Young Global Leaders” (1992).

It’s these people who now occupy positions of political power and influence. Remember that patchwork of shitty people from high positions and every walk of life who come together with a common shitty goal that I mentioned in my last article.

Some of ’em anyway. Along with Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Jack Marr, Larry Fink, Kristalina Georgieva, Mark Carney, Emanuel Macron, Sebastian Kurz and Angele Merkel to name a few more. They were all trained by the WEF and now sit on a leadership board.

In 2005 they added some 1,300 more members of this tight niche group of elite fucks who are now pulling the strings worldwide. Since 2012 10,000 more people under the age of 30 called “Global Shapers” have joined the club.


“They’ve been spoon feeding us exactly what they want us to see….”

I know it’s hard to wrap your head around the fact that we’ve been manipulated like little puppets, pawns their game of chess as I say, for a long time. Since birth really. They’ve been spoon feeding us exactly what they want us to see and believe and like good little sheeple, most of you obliged.

I say you because I can smell bullshit a mile away and was smart enough to turn my television off over a year ago. But if you still don’t believe this is a “plandemic” then check out WEF by Karl Schwab and check out the publishing date of his book The Great Reset.

The ugly book surfaced June 20, 2020 giving detailed instructions how to use COVID-19 to destroy the world to bring about a new one. A very carefully prepared Apocalypse. Not only is it planned but it’s also almost impossible to surpass in terms of evilness and deceitfulness.

Who would’ve ever thunk under the guise of protecting mankind from a deadly disease the world economy would collapse taking away peoples freedom and rights. The right to travel, rights of association, freedom of speech and to just share your fucking opinion (YouTube, Facebook and every other lame social media platform censorship. Shame on you).

Not to mention the millions in other countries who’ve been condemned to starvation. The douche bag eugenic Karl Schwab was somehow put in the position to spread his gruesome vision of replacing human beings with A.I. and have his vision driven forward by thousands of helpers. unbelievable. Yet believable because it’s what we wake up to today and it’s called our reality!



“this opportunity comes once in a lifetime” so let’s take it. It’s not too late and there’s always hope. Have faith. It doesn’t matter who’s had the vaccine and who hasn’t anymore, humanity matters. Our civil rights matter. Australia and Europe, and every single country because we are all suffering, matters. Please wake up and have the balls to go against this. For the sake of everything we know and love.


The great reset is condemned to fail and here’s why…..

The narrative of the virus isn’t sustainable because it’s built on lies, a web of lies, if you will. It’s already collapsing and the forcefulness of the media and how they’re displaying themselves proves they’re weak. Spreading rumors like the pandemic of the unvaccinated declaring healthy people public enemy number one.

Lashing out in desperation, locking down entire countries, mandating vaccines. They’re doing this because THAT’S ALL THEY’VE GOT!


“The great reset is condemned to fail and here’s why…..”

Abe Lincoln once said, “you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time”

Poor Abe. Bet he was assassinated along the same reasons as JFK. Disgusting. The truth will set us free and God will prevail. Whatever you call him, God isn’t bothered by things of such silliness like what you call him be it Universe, Divine, Spirit, Braham, Budha, Allah or anything else.

God is God. God is the all mighty creator of the Universe and everything in it. Especially all the beautiful people such as yourselves. Period.

….to be continued.


— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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