How To Take Your Power Back

One sure fire way to take your power back is to simply block people. I say this here and now because that’s literally what I just did. Just when you think you’ve got ’em all weeded out, BAM, here comes another one to try and get you to take two steps back. I have come too far in this precious journey of mine to allow someone to walk back into my life just to take advantage of me.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m a sexual being and thoroughly enjoy physical contact and intimacy but I’ve changed in the aspect that I’ve gave up meaningless sex however long ago and now want nothing more than to wait for the opposite. If that means I’m gonna have to trim the cobwebs along with the hedges when the time is right, then so be it. I need to be focusing on me right now anyway and the fact that I’ve given up the old belief system that sex is just sex, well high fives all around because it’s proof again that I’m evolving and I couldn’t be more proud of myself.

So back to my point and how to take your power back, the easiest way anyway. Although through experience I’ve learned that there really isn’t an easy way to take your power back and it’s inevitable that some are gonna hurt or be harder than others, that’s just the way it goes. Blocking homeboy this morning was a lot easier than blocking my dad, that’s for sure. And at the end of the day though I’m worth way more than either one was giving me credit for so snip snip mofo’s you gots to goes. Ha.