Humble Blessings

Hard to believe it’s December already, I’d love to say time flies when you’re having fun but this year hasn’t been all that fun. That’s not completely true, however, it was definitely necessary. I’m pretty sure I say it every year lol but I sure am looking forward to a new year. I do have a sneaky suspicion though that this will be the last time I look forward to a new year because the past one’s been so difficult.

I spent a better part of the day reflecting on all my lessons learned, challenges triumphed and wounds healed and I couldn’t be more grateful no matter how hard it was. I did receive a gift from Spirit, a playlist of songs titled, “the music that made your year” and listened to every single song which helped me in my reflection. Tears of joy, tears of loss and tears of success accompanied by feelings of strength, courage and exhaustion. I can’t tell you how many times I walked Huntington Beach listening to music in my own little world, which played a big part in the healing process.

It would’ve been a year to date tomorrow that I started my spiritual boot camp journey in my car and today I’m proud to say that I’ve graduated with flying colors. I’m in transition right this second staying with a friend because it won’t be ready until next week, but next week I’ll have a spot of my very own. It will be month to month of course because I’m not sure where I’m headed but I do know, thanks for the confirmation, that this is not my final destination. Needless to say I’m ecstatic, eager and more than ready for the next part of my journey.

Now certainly is not the time to get complacent, if nothing else it’s put a fire under my butt to study even harder, concentrate even more and keep my spiritual eyes open even wider. I feel like I have finally found my life force, an authentic flow present within me that keeps me going. I can finally recognize that there is a greater identity within me, it’s within all of us, that speaks louder than the ego which we created by no fault of our own throughout our life.

My thoughts come from a different mind now, they’re coming from a higher consciousness. I’ve learned that in order to overcome any obstacle, realizing our limitlessness, you don’t need an academic mind and you don’t need a sophisticated mind… what you need is an open mind. I’m learning to live life intentionally. Intentions come from our core values and I can tell you mine have changed drastically from who I was three years ago.







Unconditional love

Just to name a few. Most people aren’t even aware of their core values because we’re conditioned to be obsessed about unhealthy things and by no fault of our own, we’ve been brainwashed through our environment. But it is our responsibility, if we so choose, to get out of that cycle of unhealthy belief systems, thought patterns and materialistic wants. When we’re able to open our eyes and our minds we’re able to realize that every single moment of every single situation, good or bad, is teaching us a lesson for our soul growth.

Earth is simply a school for the soul. With every lesson learned we receive new knowledge and with that new knowledge we then have the opportunity to apply it to our lives. Once we start applying new knowledge we start creating new experiences and with new experiences come new results resulting in wisdom, and it’s that wisdom that truly expands our souls.

It’s important to surround yourself with people who support your growth and evolution. A hallmark of any principle is sometimes sacrifice as you may have to suffer the loss of something and unfortunately that something can wind up being quite painful, especially when it’s people. It’s important to stay in the attitude of gratitude and do your best to project positivity. Easier said than done of course but definitely doable. It’s a frame of mind.

I’ve definitely learned to believe in myself, I needed a hero so that’s what I became. This is barely the beginning for me and I have to give credit where credit is due as I couldn’t have gotten this far all by myself. I have so much gratitude, I have so much thanksgiving for my spirit guides, angels, passed on loved ones, ancestors, Father God, Mother God and the Universe. I’ve come to depend, learned to trust so much more on everything that I cannot see.

I’ve learned the true definition of surrender, I’m still learning it as I’m at a point in my journey once again where I need to throw up my arms and give it to God because it’s through His grace that spiritual gifts are even possible. But we never stop evolving, there’s always room for improvement. It may seem like we’ll never reach that finish line but when you do come to the end of your adventure, and finally reach enlightenment, I believe it will be through many many lifetimes.

Some highlights and things I’ve learned these past couple weeks, months, year…

trips to Walmart

system overloads


crazy coworker

beautiful evenings

its real meaning

Love and Light