I AM Andromedan. I AM Pleiadian. I AM An Old Soul.

I am an old soul, a very old soul and that’s probably the one thing I’m sure of even though I don’t know how. I’ve been asking Spirit a lot as of recent, what am I, where am I from and why am I here? I’ve been asking more than usual. Those three questions have been my main focus, and with good reason really but now I think my new question is what aren’t I? I’ve had information coming at me like rapid fire over the past week, and in all fairness I asked so I can’t expect anything less than for them to respond one way or another. I’ve received answers that’ve left me now wondering just how old is my soul?

It’s my ego that wants more than anything to put the pieces of my personal puzzle together and while that’s not a bad thing per se I believe at this juncture it’s time to let that go too. I don’t need to know everything right this second because I have faith that everything is falling into place not only in divine order but also divine timing. My ego had me tripped up into thinking I have to be some kind of ‘master healer’ when at the end of the day my hugs are a huge healing modality and my ripple effect of loving kindness while sharing my wisdom are just as important. With that said I will wait patiently for my next train while enjoying everything that has been bestowed upon me in every waking moment.

It started with a video of a German Vedic astrologer discussing life path numbers and the star races associated with them. I am a life path 3. I’ve posted before about life path numbers and now I know they are calculated by adding up your birthday, numbers only. She also spoke about soul numbers and how to calculate those too, I will link the video at the end so you can hear about your own starseed origins if you so choose. My birthday is April 13, 1975…

4 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 +5 = 30      3 + 0 = 3

PLEIADES —-> 3, 7, 33


ARCTURIANS —->1, 4, 7

LYRANS —-> 1, 5, 11

ORION STARSEEDS —-> 4, 8, 22

ANDROMEDANS —-> 3, 5, 8

Tall Nordics —-> 9, 44

Side note about Arcturian’s, I was watching Aliens no too long ago which is one of my mom and I’s top 10 favorite movies. Nobody opens up a can of whoop-ass like Sigourney Weaver.I’ve seen this movie a hundred times and never caught this till now. In all fairness I didn’t remember what an Arcturian was until now but in the scene where they’re eating and right before he says guess she didn’t like the cornbread either, Private Frost says to Hudson, “remember when we had that Arcturian poontang?” I was like, what did he just say??? RE-WIND. He sure did and now you know too lol. Catching stuff in movies has almost become a game for me now.

Pleiadians are gentle, empathic and are known as healers as their mission is to spread love and healing while focusing on raising the vibration of planet Earth. Life path 3’s are very spiritual with a strong urge to raise others vibrations, they promote harmony and help others to find their true selves. They radiate a bright light with a lifestyle characterized by communication. They tend to connect with groups so family is important. They have a deep connection to nature and are considered a very peaceful star race.

Apparently we will have first contact with the Pleiadians, I’ve heard 2026 but when that will really happen nobody knows. I’ll tell you what I do know and that’s that they won’t make themselves known until we raise the consciousness of humanity and if you ask me we aren’t anywhere near where we need to be. The only reason benevolent light beings haven’t made contact is because we’re too dangerous. Not all of us of course but our military elite and government in general are like little rich brats on the playground throwing rocks at everyone. Their intention is greed and to harm others and the fact that they don’t even really realize this, or don’t even care, is what makes ‘us’ so dangerous.

Roswell…intentional. Don’t think for a second they didn’t laser beam them right out of the sky, kind of like the laser beams in Lahaina. We’ve had so much advanced technology and have had it for decades but so much has been kept hidden from us. At the end of the day this is all happening so we will finally stand up for our selves, say no to their bullshit rules and take our power back. Have you listened to what Jordan Maxwell or David Icke (The God Pill on YouTube) have to say? Probably should. Did you know there’s a patent on the sequence of the furin cleavage site (on the spike protein) in the humancorona virus, don’t even get me started with patents. I could go on and on but not what this post is about so that’s a conversation for another day.

In order to raise our consciousness we need to raise our vibration and until we do that they just wait on the sidelines ever so patiently until the time is right. It will happen, there’s just no way to put it on a timeline. It first starts will eliminating our military elite, government and all the other elites who think they’re better than everyone else but that’s not my department so I do my best not to feed any energy into that at all. The only thing I’ll say about the whole alleged Trump assassination is I don’t buy it. They’re all puppets stringed by puppeteers. Democrats and Republicans are just another way to keep us separated and against each other. This is just the beginning of the chaos so buckle up because the darkness isn’t going down without a fight. I will say this though, we’ve already been through it so don’t fall for it again. Don’t fall for the staged alien invasion either.

With all that said, Pleiadian starseeds have marker DNA, they are essential for humanity as they’re here to help us transform our own dark sides. Pleiadians are here to assist humanity in the evolution of consciousness, we aren’t the first planet to go through the ascension process that’s already underway. They’re here to help us recognize the polarity of light and dark within ourselves. Each of us have both light and dark attributes, we need our shadows to be able to achieve our full spiritual development and actually explains why I’ve been through so much dark myself. By accepting and integrating our darkness we can fully grow as spiritual beings and life path 3’s are here to help in that process.

According to Silvia Suryodaya (the Vedic astrologer) we have connections to all the star races however one will be more prominent than the others, one will have a more leading energy. Pleiades has been my leading energy and with it came the gift for turning challenges into opportunities, pain into blessings and darkness into light. One of my higher soul missions is to cocreate with the universe with the 5D paradigm where people are nice to each other. Where there’s forgiveness and compassion. Where we learn how to control our minds and our thoughts, how not to partake in negative self-talk but rather feeding instead ourselves with the positive thoughts/thinking. I’m here to learn and teach others how to master our emotions so we can create the reality we truly want.

We didn’t come to this planet to suffer, it was never intended to be this way and is exactly why reinforcement has been sent, this shift is exactly why myself and so many others are here in this incarnation at this exact time which if you ask me is exciting stuff. Some more exciting stuff is my connection to the galaxy Andromeda, this is a new one for me so before I delve into what she said, upon further investigation this is what I found out about characteristics of the Andromedan starseeds which pretty much sums me up in a nutshell.

  • Empathic
  • Healer
  • Freedom lover
  • Adventurous
  • Humble and peaceful
  • Authentic and curious
  • Creative and analytical
  • Nature lover
  • Drawn to space and the metaphysical
  • Interested in ancient civilizations
  • Wise and inspiring
  • Discerning and balanced

Speaking of drawn to space, this happened last night on my way home from work. He said, “do you want to see the moon tonight?” If my tires could’ve screeched they would’ve because I stopped on a dime. You know I want to look through a telescope! It took me back to college when we had star parties in my Night Sky classes. Ugh another one of those things I took for granted, I’d love to go back and retake those classes. The appreciation I have now for all things astronomy is through the roof compared to what it used to be. One of these days I’ll own my own telescope so I can capture moments like I did last night whenever I want. The moon was breathtaking up close and personal and I was so thankful for these guys sharing the view. I tried taking a picture with my phone but no dice.

Apparently Andromeda and the Milky Way (our galaxy) are sister galaxies and energetically linked. The Milky Way according to her is more masculine with Andromeda having more feminine energy. These opposites compliment and support each other helping us to find healing modalities by recognizing and integrating these opposite energies. Andromedans see themselves more as unified with the female energy being strong and connected, they’re very nurturing and here to help heal humanity. I don’t know, I’ve been leaning towards the Pleaides from the get go but now am feeling as if I resonate more and more with Andromeda. I did mention before that I believe myself to most likely have spent my last lifetime in Pleiades which would make sense so I guess they’re pretty equal, I don’t know.

If your life path number is 3, 5 or 8 then you have a deep connection to Andromeda. Your gender in this lifetime makes no difference as an old soul has experienced both male and female countless times and probably everything in between. Andromedan starseeds are also here to help us find our freedom, I’m gonna vote both individually and collectively considering I’ve been saying that all along. They’re also about adventure and exploration which makes sense to me too as my call for adventure and itch for travel is making itself more and more prevalent. Communication is also important as they encourage us to exchange our ideas and finding connections between cultures. That reminds me of the story of Babel, the only thing I can recall at this moment is how it was created to separate us and the languages were changed or created so we couldn’t communicate, or something like that. I’ll delve more into the Bible in the following months.

Andromeda is a creative energy all about unity, connections and higher knowledge teaching us how to heal the male energy and connect more to the female energy. Andromedans have a very powerful energy that’s here to help us open up and communicate more. These starseeds are here to bring back the unity by finding that differences aren’t really differences at all, they’re just different perspectives. To strengthen your connections to your star families you can always reach out to your star brothers and sisters energetically. It’s funny because I had a conversation with the ether before finishing the video, I asked my invisibles how I could connect more with them. I asked if I had to meditate and wouldn’t you know it, it was the literally the next thing out of her mouth lol.

I am affirming and setting the intention right now with all of you that I will learn to enjoy meditation more, I will make more time and with more effort to do more than cut up my fruits and vegetables. I’ll be honest with you too though, this thought has crossed my mind more than once and that’s that I wonder if maybe subconsciously I’m nervous as to what all I will discover in deep meditation. I don’t know, sounds weird but like I said it’s not the first time I’ve thought that. She went on to say visualization is also a good tool to connect energetically. Visualizations she explains are you’re real life fantasies, they are powerful tools and methods and I’ll add they’re available any time of the day and every day off the week not to mention free of charge.

As if that wasn’t enough, another video crossed my path by a tarot reader who too felt as though she was speaking directly to me, I’m telling ya, I love it when these cross my path and I just know it’s meant for me. She went on to describe why starseeds are here and these were the reasons that jumped out at me.

  • Indigo child. While I don’t particularly consider myself and indigo child, I do believe I’m here to create new paths for the new world with the purpose of destroying old systems that no longer serve us.
  • Wayshower. These individuals are meant to be different in order to show others the way by simply awakening (spiritually) and living their truth.
  • Faith. My faith is strong yes it is. Some of us are gifted with the ability to have faith, a strong ability to trust the Creator beyond the limits of what we think is possible. Faith in divine beliefs and everything unseen.
  • Signs & Symbols. Some have the ability to recognize and decipher signs and synchronicities from the universe that help guide, support and enlighten.
  • Divine Plan. A deep knowing that there’s an overarching blueprint for the evolution of humanity’s consciousness and the unfolding of creation itself, and having faith in it.

Ask and you shall receive. I will continue to ask and connect as I’m sure there’s much more to my story than what I just wrote about. I must say my journey is kind of taking a turn for the better I guess you could say. While I’ve known that the hardest parts are all over I so look forward to what’s next. What’s next to align, who I’m fated to connect with and what I’m destined to really do here on Earth. Excited to say the least so yay.

Want to hear about your starseed origins…https://youtu.be/BG62hipXz1s?si=1xV5VCk5BeFEmG2C

David Icke…https://youtu.be/yMwvcZd3pUc?si=27C_W9H0LowQDppq

Jordan Maxwell… https://youtu.be/dQ0Kfc1sXDw?si=jOpr1oWb8ebKJP5u

Want to know more about the spike protein patent…https://www.youtube.com/live/4ZF1TOzPaW0?si=LP8MjZx5Q52F2TJu

Crazy town population me I know but it is what it is. And I haven’t even mentioned the half of it yet.

Super grateful, always thankful.

Love and Light