I spent the last week dog sitting in Costa Mesa and as much as I love spending time at the House of Taurus and playing with my favorite dog Buddy, I’m super happy to be home. It gave me a new found appreciation for my location and the closeness I have to everything I need. Everything is literally within walking distance, I ride my bike to some places for the time factor but everything I need and want is at my fingertips. There is no doubt in my mind I am strategically placed in the heart of Huntington Beach.
As much as I thoroughly enjoy driving, going back and forth and sometimes twice a day really got me burnt out. I am so grateful I have the luxury of riding my bike, especially to work. I have a new found appreciation for my bed again, not to mention a good night’s sleep. I barely dreamt while I was there and by the fifth day my eyes started burning and I was like no wonder people drink coffee. I wouldn’t say I took my lifestyle for granted but perhaps I had started to become a wee bit complacent and staying at Meg’s sure brought it all to my attention. Needless to say I’m happy to be home and back to my routine. I didn’t realize how much I appreciated my somewhat boring, not to mention stress-free, routine until is was all shook up.

It was nice to take a break from my blog too, although I really didn’t have much time to spend on it anyway, I think I cracked my computer twice. I did go in with some movies in mind but then of course was redirected by Spirit, it never fails. I guess that’s because Spirit never fails. Aquaman was the movie of the hour, I actually watched it twice in one day. Not a movie I would’ve initially chosen myself but when it kept showing up that’s a tell tale sign I should probably watch it. So glad I did too, all you have to do is say Atlantis and I’m all ears. I’m sure there’s a lot of truth in that movie.
Angel number 222 has been showing up quite a bit lately, actually that’s the understatement of the year because it’s been everywhere. A video popped up in my feed from a guy I’ve never seen before named Gavin Dees (nuts), sorry I couldn’t resist. I’m still waiting to grow up in that aspect. I don’t know if I ever will. Anyway, it didn’t take long for me to know it was meant for me to hear. He started off by saying he doesn’t believe in angel numbers but does believe that God uses repeating numbers to lead you back to scripture. I believe in both and all joking aside he said some profound stuff, so much so that after hearing it and not being able to get it out of my head, I went back to relisten to it and wrote down what he had to say.
He said if you’ve been seeing the number 222 a lot lately prepare yourself because you’re getting ready to be released into appointed positions in honor to what God has done and is doing in your life. This is the era where God is moving His people into priestly identity. It’s not the first time I’ve heard the term priest mentioned about my past (life) and my future (self) but I’m not really interested in any titles, all I want to do is share the good news and inform others of what I’ve learned and know to be true.
He quoted Isaiah 22:22 and then went on to say God’s been calling me and changing my life as of late (try the last four years especially the past two) and God has been moving in my life like never before. One of the ladies at my church has been saying from the get go, probably since the first day she met me, that God has His hand on me. He went on to say that God will open doors in this season that no one can shut. God is releasing authority that no man (or woman) can stop and He will shut doors that no one can open. He said I’m being released into seasons of authority, positions of honor. God is releasing responsibility into my life (with a sense of humor of course because that’s one of my best attributes). And you know what? I believe him. I don’t know when and I don’t know how but I do know it’s coming. I’ve still got a ways to go though, like I’ve said before I believe myself to be about half way there.
From another perspective and my ever present angel numbers and according to Joanna Sacred Scribe the number 2222 also reminds us that love is the most important thing of all. Loving yourself is the key ingredient for good health and wellbeing. The love of self, others and all life connects you with the universal energies of prosperity. Self-love brings self-expression and allows for creativity and fulfillment. Love yourself and love your life.
I’ve come leaps and bounds from who I used to be and I can finally say with confidence that I do love myself. It hasn’t been easy, that’s for sure. It’s difficult to change your behaviors and how you react, even harder to change the way you think. I’m still in that learning process. Two people recently showed me inadvertently just how far I have come. Yesterday at the skate rink I was having a conversation with another skater about relationships and I mentioned how they’re necessary to help us grow as human beings. He argued that some of his actually made him shrink and I responded with well then at the very least you should’ve learned what you don’t want. It’s necessary to taste the sour in order to appreciate the sweet. He then complimented me on always having such an upbeat attitude as we’ve had many talks about life. Quick side note, it was a great skate session and I mentioned I broke a sweat and he said, “no girls don’t sweat, you’re glowing like an angel.” Haha true story, as in he really said that.
Last weekend I had a gentlemen come up to the register and ask out of the blue why I’m so happy. Caught me off guard a little because he came out of nowhere but before I knew it, this is what came out of my mouth…
Because I love the Lord,
I like my job,
and I love my life.
He was so impressed with my answer he called over his daughter so I could repeat it. Life is what you make it, I may not be exactly where I want to be right now but at the end of the day I choose happy. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be right now and that’s all that matters. I have faith in God’s timing. God, Lord, Mother/Father God, Universe, whatever you want to call it, it’s all the same. I said Lord because that’s how most (Westerners) identify with God, I think I might’ve perplexed him a wee bit if I said Creative Source or the energy of Love of All That Is. I’ve gone from a sky daddy with a wand to Mother/Father God to an energy/frequency. But you know what? Our human brains aren’t even equipped to fully understand what God is so I don’t even try. How do you explain something multidimensional and omnipresent to a single dimensional being? I don’t have to understand, I know God is Love and that’s all I need to know.
That question really got me thinking though, why am I so happy? It’s a fantastic question. I must’ve asked myself that question after the fact at least a dozen times. I wasn’t always this happy, maybe on the surface but not deep down. I still don’t have a definitive answer because there’s a lot of reasons. Even after having everything more or less stripped from me, losing so many loved ones and more or less starting over with nothing, I still choose happy. My car is old (it’s not even mine), my pad is small, life can be challenging and I still choose happy.
Happiness comes from within. I guess you might even say it’s a learned behavior. And you know what, now that I really think about it right this second, I can’t take all the credit, always have to give credit where credit is do, a lot of my happiness also comes from everything I can’t see, my team of invisibles, and for that I say thank you. Everything is always working out for me and they continuously show me how blessed I am with an endless supply of signs and synchronicities, not to mention the birds that are always singing right outside my window. I guarantee you that too is by design. Thank you God for everything.
Love and Light