Ever since I’ve been going to one of the skating sessions there comes a time when two songs are dedicated to skating backwards, only backward skaters are allowed on the floor. Every time I’ve had the attitude of being like why are you segregating and making it backwards only? As good as I’ve gotten at skating, I don’t skate backwards, so every time it’s that time I just grab a seat and watch. Today something clicked inside me and today it was different. Instead of being a little ho-hum about it all I changed my perspective completely and went in with the attitude of seizing the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and humble myself along the way. If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. In this case, I did both. Gotta love two-fers.
I don’t know if I was tired of feeling left out, tired of having a piss poor attitude about it or finally clearing some kind of deep rooted subconscious fear of not succeeding, doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that I DID IT! YAY! I grabbed a skate mate and went right out to the middle of the rink and wouldn’t you know it, I was way better than I thought I’d be. I used the one-handed-skate-mate-method. If you’ve ever seen a beginner (usually kids but certainly not always) skating, you’ve seen a skate mate. It’s the white and orange PVC pipes in the background, it was quite humbling to say the least.
I’m humbled more often than I’d like to admit. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that I’m a double fire sign of Aries Sun and Leo Rising. In case you weren’t aware Aries is the me, myself and I sign and Leo is the love to be in the spotlight sign which makes me double the need to be humbled sign. Awesome lol. A big part of my journey is being humbled and it’s definitely something I’ve become accustomed to and something I’ve learned to embrace graciously. My journey has taken me from selfish to selfless in less than four years and simple acts of humility only make me a better person so for that I say thank you.
After my skate session I headed over to my girlfriend Megan’s house to say hello and catch up as I haven’t seen her in a while. Buddy missed me too and it was nice to spend time with both. My angel numbers were on fire on the way home. As I was taking a pic of the UPS plate of 777, I turned and even startled myself with my screech of excitement to see the 444-4444 cab right out my window. I laughed so hard. Shortly thereafter I saw 144 on an address, it happened so fast I missed the pic and not even ten minutes later it was 4:44. I think it’s safe to say someone’s ascending.

As soon as I got home I was right back out the door to head to my meditation. I love walking in because every Wednesday without fail I have the best welcoming committee. I love ducks. I had a friend in Colorado who had a pet duck, it’s name was chicken.

Love and Light