Ignore-ance kills
I‘m gonna try to explain this as simply as possible and as quickly as possible as I’m not a big fan of this negative energy. I do, however, find it imperative that people are aware of what’s really going on and how important it really is that we unite as a collective and turn this shit around. There’s a reason for all the chaotic upheaval, and here it is.
It’s manifestation on steroids if you ask me. But I’ll be damned if it’s not possible. Satanists or the church of Satan are just a low level hierarchy system, a psychological infiltration system that interacts with the general public. They’re always scouting for like-minded people to help them accomplish something fucking shitty.
There’s also dark occultism throughout the world who’s also contributing, along with the elite and well let’s just say it…Hollywood. Satanic hierarchy is a patchwork of people from every high level position and every walk of life in our society who operate in concert.
A network of individuals, usually with a shit ton of resources, working in absolute unison focusing intently on the goals they want to accomplish. No single one organization is responsible for what’s happening in our world today.
It starts with a ritual of intention focusing on energy followed by those affiliated with the same shitty goal who then employ it to take action doing whatever it takes to put it in motion. You need to understand rituals are psychodramatic masterminds focusing on willpower.
Occult masterminds, unlike traditional masterminds where the focus is one person pulling off some scandalous whatever, occult focuses on a shit ton of scandalous minds all together with one shitty intent and purpose.
“No single one organization is responsible
for what’s happening in our world today.”
They then direct that one intent and purpose out into society through a ritual. Through visualization and psychodrama they gather their energy and intention, focus the shit out of it and put it out into society for a common purpose. And unfortunately the Universe has no choice but to respect this kind of unity and energy and the Universe obliges. Plain and simple.It really doesn’t matter if you believe in this concept or not. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s horse manure because they fucking believe it and that’s all that does matter .
They believe with every fiber of their being and it drives their willpower forward resulting in accomplishing goals. This is why humanity is divided and crumbling. We as a collective are nowhere near being on the same page.
We all have different concepts of different things like freedom or truth mostly from all the false information they’ve been spoon feeding us.
Everyone is focusing on different personal agendas and ideas and as a result there isn’t one common goal.
Next comes a destructive ritual which could be compared to shit like voodoo where the energy is focusing on rage and hate and sending it out to attack anything that’s standing in the way of a common goal. It’s purpose is to clear any blocks standing in the way.
Check out Mark Passios website whatonearthishappening.com.
He was recently interviewed on FreemanTV and I stumbled across it on Bitchute.com. It’s where I obtained all this mind-blowing information. We’re talking about mass mega rituals that are destructive and destroy lives. Destroy species.
These people are into shit like transhumanism and life extension technology so they don’t have to be accountable for their dark ass shit and don’t suffer any consequences when it’s judgement time and they’re going straight to hell in gasoline drawers.
“They don’t care who is suffering
because all they care about is themselves.”
Which is exactly where they belong. It’s sick mind-blowing shit and it’s happening in everybody’s backyard. Whether they sold their souls for fame and fortune or it’s bloodline ties doesn’t matter, it’s the destruction of human care.
Destruction of care for the truth or the care of what’s right and wrong. It’s the destruction of the sacred feminine dynamic of care. And the people with the agenda are fresh outta fucks to give.
They don’t care about their actions and any ripple effect it might have on the outer world. They don’t care who is suffering because all they care about is themselves.
Me, me, me mentality with zero compassion for anybody other than themselves. If you ask me it sounds awfully narcissistic.
These are shitty ass human beings, and I’m reluctant to even give ’em that much credit because they clearly have no soul.
“Which side do you wanna be on?”
Mark went on to talk about how we’re being lied to. Shit we’ve been lied to our whole lives, they’ve been programming us since birth through media, social media and video games.
But for the lies to be sold he said, somebody has to be willing to buy ’em. And that’s the billions of people today. No doubt we’ve been manipulated into shitty circumstances but we’ve also as a collective propagated, sustained and continued the shitty circumstances through our free will of decision making processes.
Which side do you wanna be on? Do you wanna side with Truth, true care, freedom, higher consciousness, love and justice?
Or are you gonna side with people who are facilitating the destruction of Truth, the destruction of human rights and who are trying to take away your freedom?
It’s already happening in Australia and Europe. We’re next people. And please take no offense but Americans (and I’m one of ’em) are fucking stupid. We see what’s happening globally and our dumbasses have our heads so far in the sand (maybe if I ignore it’ll go away.
Yeah learned in like my twenties that that shit doesn’t work) that we’re completely gonna miss the opportunity to fucking fix this. I mean damn, we’re like the obi one kenobi of this situation. UGH. We’re just the pawns in the dark masters game and the mentality of the collective gives them an upper advantage. We are essentially their fuel source.
It’s the World order people. Slavery and chaos, distractions (fake COVID), social media and internet forums. Pro Intel’s lapdogs. And let’s not lose sight of Nature’s Law of Morality. The natural law holds that there are universal moral standards that are inherent in humankind throughout all time, and these standards should form the basis of a just society.
We were never “taught” natural law per se, but instead we figure it out when we consistently choose good vs evil. When we choose right instead of wrong.
The Universe knows and nature will have no choice but to “weed the garden”. Prepare yourselves. He mentioned Aeon of Horus and humanity awakens and he mentioned three weeks.
Do your own homework and research. You’ve got all the references you need. The question is now, do you care???
Google it. It’s fucking sick. But it’s real and it’s happening.
All knowledge is neutral. It’s what we decide to do with it that makes it positive or negative. Can’t escape the consequences of ignoring reality and this certainly isn’t a spectator sport. The time is now. The time to take action. We are making history people.
What kind of legacy do you wanna leave? I know I wanna leave one of integrity, truth and having the balls to stand up for what I know is right. Ignorance isn’t bliss.
Ignore-ance will kill you.
— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader
Well written and hopefully an eye opener for some! I keep waiting for common sense to kick in and start asking questions!!!