Hola Charlie

Hola Charlie

Met my new bestie on my way out of San Jose, he’s a tattoo artist who goes by Charlie. Hysterical fella who’s got charisma for days, you just want to put him in your pocket and take him home. He’s also been kind enough to show me around old town and fill me in on a lot of the history here, he was of course born and raised in San Jose.

So the other day Charlie, his best friend and I meandered around and I managed to get some amazing photos in addition to some pretty cool ones.


There’s actually so much hidden beauty in the streets of Costa Rica, I personally love the architecture up and down every street. They don’t have HOA’s here, hell they don’t even have building codes and whatnot. You can build your casa however you damn well please, whatever color too.

Some classic pics that’s for sure. Like the one of the wall that clearly states, “no orinen aqui” which basically means don’t pee here. I hate to admit it but the boys here in CR have a bad habit of not looking for an enclosed bano.


he machete pic is pretty classic too, that man was smiling ear to ear and I doubt it’s because we wanted a pic. He was a little tipsy that afternoon just on a stroll with his trusty machete lol. 

Some other cool shit, let’s see how much I actually retained. Costa Rica has the cleanest tap water in all the world? That sounds unheard of but it’s true. Right outta the tap or a spicket off a wall on the street. Crystal clear and not to mention pretty damn tasty too.
Only baseball field in Central America. He mentioned some other really cool stuff but I guess I was half listening, that and history has never been my favorite attention getter. 
I don’t have a picture of ’em (yet) but the toucan birds here I kid you not sound straight outta Jurassic Park. I had to do a double take the first time I heard ’em cause they sounded JUST like pterodactyls. I just heard some (they only travel in pairs) so that’s what made me think about it.



I was talking with one of my roommates about pennies and dimes and all that good stuff. Talking about how I didn’t  know I would get any in Costa Rica because they don’t use ’em of course. The following morning (yesterday) I was making my bed and there it was. 100 colon (it’s missing the hyphen of course so don’t pronounce it like it it’s not supposed to be). I didn’t put it there, hell I can barely get over there. Magic I tell ya.





— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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