I was reminded not too long ago that isolation is a gift, it’s the universe’s way of clearing the rubbish. It’s a means of not only quieting the cacophony of outside noise but also a means of silencing the static going on in my own head so I’m able to hear the purpose of my true calling. I don’t particularly care to use the term chosen ones anymore because I consider myself to be equal with the next, however I do feel as though there are a handful of us who incarnated with special missions.
In retrospect I’ve been in isolation for four years already with some deep dives here and there. My first and most important isolation dive was living in my car and that lasted roughly four hundred days. I’m currently in the middle of another deep dive that I’m guessing will last another two weeks but honestly I don’t even know, it’ll last as long as it takes.
While usually uncomfortable on some level and at times, isolation is vital for growth and evolution. Each isolation period has its own reasonings with specifics that need focusing on but all tend to have a similar theme. Isolation is preparation. It’s a time of preparation, especially for those who incarnated with a higher purpose such as myself therefore I’ve learned to fully embrace every moment. It has allowed me to continuously find my inner strength, the endless strength I need to keep going.
Isolation is a powerful tool for growth creating the perfect environment for transformation while it frees you of all distractions. When you spend time alone you’re given the space to hear your inner most thoughts unfiltered by the noise of the outside world. This level of self-awareness is rare and is why it’s seen as a gift as it can only be achieved while you have no one else around to influence you.
Isolation strips away the external validation of the status quo which isn’t just a good idea but it also forces you to rely on your inner compass. It allows you to listen to your heart. It teaches you to trust yourself and to make decisions only you know to be true to your path. It allows you to stand firm in your own identity. Isolation is where independence grows stronger if not discovered for the first time.
Isolation is often misunderstood and mistaken for loneliness. Loneliness is the absence of connection, the longing to have connections with others. Isolation is the presence of self and allows for you to be emotionally and spiritually self-reliant. This type of independence makes you stronger and prepares you to take the steps necessary to carry out your soul purpose, your unique mission in which you came here to fulfill.
This doesn’t just apply to those old souls who did come with a specific reason for the New Earth, it also applies to those who are on the path to grow on a soul level. I know for me isolating in my car had a lot to do with overcoming codependency. It forced me to not only rely on myself but it also introduced me to the discovery of leaning on everything I can’t see. It’s 3:33 as I type this sentence. I guess you can even go so far as to say it taught me a healthy codependency, if there’s such a thing. I guess there is now, in my world anyway.
I wouldn’t say I chose isolation, I was pretty much forced to go to my car. The falling out with my brother was no accident, it put me exactly where I was supposed to be. Looking back though I was surprisingly happy to be alone in my car, especially after the falling out with my dad too prior to arriving at my brothers, which was also set in place before it even happened. I didn’t see it then but I recognize now how both of them served as teachers and for that I am extremely grateful.
Being alone in my car allowed me to find peace as I no longer had to answer to anyone, no longer had to listen to what others thought I should be doing. The solitude allowed all those outside distractions and influences to fall away. Being the free spirit that I am and always have been that peace of mind gave me so much solace with a breath of fresh air. It allowed to begin my journey and start my path of self-discovery.
The solitude I’m currently undergoing is my chance to quiet my mind and search for answers that can only be found from within. I’m embracing that freedom and strength that comes with self-reflection, listening to the whispers of my heart and waiting for my intuition to guide me to my next moves. It’s serving as a gateway to deeper self-discovery and inner strength.
I am here to help change this world but I must first understand the power of my own company. While I may be spending most of my time alone I’m also filled with contentment while holding space for creativity and evolution. I’m able to evolve without the influence of the outside world. I’m able to hear my own thoughts clearly, able to focus on my goals, dreams and aspirations. I’m able to explore the depths of my soul while building resilience.
Isolation is also a time for healing. I began healing the day I was put in isolation my first night alone in my car. This type of journey isn’t for the faint of heart but it is for those who are here to make profound changes in their own unique way. There is not a single thing I would change about my journey, I have no regrets. Everybody is a teacher or a mirror in some way and without those falling out’s, hard lessons learned and love lost I wouldn’t be who I am today.
I sit in isolation right this second with gratitude and solace knowing I’m being prepared for the next phase of my journey. I sit quietly and patiently while lovingly chomping at the bit for whatever may be next. All I do know at this point is that I trust my journey and I trust myself. I trust my team of invisibles and I know that everything is going to be okay.

Happy full moon in Gemini, also this morning.
Love and Light