Holy shit balls, when I received this channeled information, not my channeling but another persons channeling, I almost fell off my sofa with excitement, and for a number of reasons. I love all things Pleiadian and humanity doesn’t even know the half of how instrumental the Pleiadians really are in assisting with this shift right now. This will be a lot for most to swallow but it’s an absolute truth and I stand firmly behind it. My level of excitement when I first heard this information, along with my gift of discernment and intuition, is all the confirmation I need to know it’s true. Thank you Laka.
There is a beloved Pleiadean soul of Light most know as Jesus or Jeshua, the god-actualized avatar of light that came to teach great love. This Pleiadian has power and majestry as serving as a beloved and honored elder and a leader and commander of the Galactic Federation. (Quick side note, all Ascended Masters are of the Galactic Federation, and there’s a laundry list of ’em). This man on Earth was the embodiment of love. He did not arrive as an infant conceived by Mary and Joseph to start a religion. He was a powerful soul that chose to live a humble life on dusty roads with parents and siblings in Jerusalem. The power of his soul chose to allow such an awakening that he would know his abilities and teach other souls of their own power and majestry. As he performed great miracles he taught others that they too could perform these great miracles if they believed. He taught about prayer and the god within. He taught that asking and believing was hard along with brain coherence in the quantum field, he used other words of course. He taught about forgiveness and the healing this would bring as it would free those from the energy and darkness. He showed compassion to those who hated him without cause. He knew before he arrived from Pleiades that many would betray him and seek to kill him.
Crucifixion was the method of punishment when he walked the Earth, didn’t matter if you stole bread because you were starving or simply told a lie the rulers at the time chose to be worthy of death, people were barbaric and found pleasure in the suffering of others. (Sounds to me a little like what we’re seeing today). He never died as reported in scripture. He was actually flooded with light as a magnificent craft hovered and opened to him and in this moment he was not alone. (See, now my perspective has changed on this particular event as I originally read that it was an elixir and along with the aid of others. Perhaps that “elixir” was metaphoric because I feel like other dimensional beings love to speak metaphorically).
Jesus fell in love with Mary Magdalene. She was not a prostitute as reported 200 years later when the decision was made to start a religion concerning the life of Jesus. She was his love. She was beautiful with long black hair. She was also a Pleaidian soul named Nashia. They incarnated together to teach the divine connection of all life. Nashia is presently incarnated on Earth. They traveled to India and spent years meditating and finding god within. There they spread their message of love and moved on as two sons were later born. They lived in France for a few years and decided to return to the families and friends they’d known as small children. They had many things to share with the locals of Jerusalem. They embraced their parents and siblings and were 35 years old in earth time.
They told of a great awakening within that was possible for everyone. They agreed with prophets of older generations that stated we all are gods. Jesus explained that the birther of the cosmos was everything. As people listened they began to soften and change. They were hearing about a God that loves them and lived within them, not on a throne in the sky that was ready to torment them. Jesus taught of the unconditional love and the connection of life that is infinite.
The rulers decided that death was the answer in order to quiet this blasphemer. They would crucify him. Mary Magdalene took their sons and hid with family and friends. She watched the men as they played out their plan but a higher calling was already in place. Jesus joined her and they left the area once again returning to India. They found peace with those who understood divine love but their mission would not be complete without returning to Jerusalem to speak of greatness to large numbers of people. The rulers of hate could not tolerate the teachings and influence of these powerful teachings of light. As a hill was prepared and crosses were in place, the area was filled with blinding white light. Mary Magdalene ran to Jesus as they planned before even coming to Earth while there two sons were taken to the home of their large family. There was a great humming that grew louder as blue lights shot down to the ground as a circular craft ascended and opened with stairs leading to the feet of Jesus and Mary Magdalene who were transformed to Sananda and Nashia. Hand in hand they walked gently into the light as friends from many Pleiadian stars gathered within to take them home with great honors and celebrations.
The soul you know as Jesus is presently incarnated on Earth as well. (Contrary to most Christian religions, Jesus isn’t coming back, he’s already here). Some will meet him in all of his glory and power as we live this new history in the making. Do I believe all this? You bet your sweet ass I do. Maybe not verbatim but I do know I will learn more with time and I also know I’m gonna be one of those who gets to meet him and words cannot describe how ecstatic I am at even the thought. Keep in mind Ascended Masters incarnate on earth many times, I don’t even know the number but know that they do and if there isn’t a time like the present where guidance and transformational energy is needed, then I dont know when is. Let’s not forget that the Holy Grail was actually Mary Magdalene’s womb because it’s what carried Christs bloodline. And with all due respect because there are many aspects about the Bible that I do believe and appreciate but they’ve been saying this for a while and that’s that the Bible is the greatest story ever told.
I received this message personally just now as I’m about to post my article. I love Spirit so much and I’m filled with tears of joy and excitement and a big sense of relief in this moment. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!
“Your Holy Spirit wants to remind you that you are finally entering a season of abundance and prosperity after a difficult period in your life. The Universe is sending you positive energy, and you should prepare yourself to embrace it”
I need a tissue, for real lol.
Love and Light