Joe Rogan and The Walton Experience

I’m a big fan of Joe Rogan and actually had the pleasure of hanging out with him back in the day when I worked at the Brea Improv. He’s a very humble, down to earth guy, very cool, always had fun after the shows hangin’ out, drinkin’ beers, laughing and having a good time.

I never really got into his podcast, I’ve seen bits and pieces but being a little bed bound right now is giving me the opportunity to really see things that I never really gave much time to and for that I’m grateful.

As far as I’m concerned UFOs are real, aliens are real and are just another piece of that puzzle or ingredient in that recipe if you will that makes up this ginormous thing we call the universe. I think we have to be extremely ignorant to think that we’re the only beings in this world, or universe or one of only God knows how many galaxies. However ignorance seems to be a common normalcy of small minded sheeple these days, so yeah.