July 4th Huntington Beach Style

Another successful 4th of July, that makes four in HB and two now in Buena Park with the Galindo’s. The city of Huntington Beach was beyond alive yesterday (and still is tonight) and there’s something just as magical about the Galindo blood. These ones anyway, my popo and mother included. They are the most loving, accepting, nonjudgmental human beings on the planet who demonstrate unconditional love and I’m proud to say they’re my family.

Cousin Jordan and special Uncle Fred.

They live in one of those old school neighborhoods where the ice cream truck makes its rounds, actually they have two different kinds of trucks roamin’ the streets. There’s always room for ice cream so tonight ice cream was on me. A neighborhood where everyone knows each other and even if you don’t they always say hello in passing anyway. A neighborhood with a thousand kids and you betcha I’m looking forward to Halloween this year.

Just like I found my cousins there’s more than one reason I found my church, it was no coincidence that not only did I park on this particular street but I also locked my keys in my car. With no one else to turn to I asked for help from the church people outside in between services. Little did I know at the time I would meet a handful of individuals heaven sent who I’m sure I had soul contracts with prior to arriving, agreements with people who were here to help me progress on my magical journey while I was discovering the Truth of it all. These are two of those people.

Stacy…a sister, a friend, my adopted family. Always a good time with this lovely lady. We hit it off straight away and once we got to know each other better she opened up her home to me every Sunday for a hot meal and laundry. She helped me out a lot when I was living in my car. She’s also the one who gifted me my bike. I’ve also mentioned before I spend Christmas and Thanksgiving with her at her sisters house in San Clemente. They treat me like their own and for that I’m very grateful.

Then there’s Charlie…my landlord but also a dad, a brother, an uncle and my friend all rolled up into one. Not only did he give me a place to stay that is perfect for me and at the right price but he also solves all my vehicular necessities. He’s been there for me almost since day one and throughout the years our friendship has grown into a pretty tight bond. He also gave me my first tarot deck. Nobody knows that, he bought it at a garage sale many moons ago and has been holding onto it since. Coincidence? Hardly.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it is no accident I landed in Huntington Beach, not even a little. Even though I don’t consider myself a city girl anymore, if I was to end up anywhere to do all my learning, healing and growing, this would be a place I’d pick again. I love Huntington Beach, I really do. The parade was awesome as usual so without further ado here are some of the highlights. It’s 11:11 as I type this sentence.

I’m on it


yours truly lol


Right as I was taking this picture Stacy tells me she got 11:11 on her phone. Something’s trying to get her attention and you too if you’re seeing repeating benevolent angel numbers



Thank you HB and thank you Galindo family.

And thank you God for everything.

All things are possible with LOVE.

Love and Light and good night