Knott’s Berry Farmy Farm Farm

This is from like a month and a half ago, about a week before my angel assignment. Had a blast with me, myself and my brigade.

Well Knott’s Berry Farm was nothing less than fun of course but considering I can have fun at a bus stop an amusement park is a no-brainer. I think the last time I was at Knott’s Berry Farm I was with all my girlfriends fresh out of high school, our senior trip? It was roughly 30 years ago. Like everything else a lot has changed yet still seems the same.

I was disappointed but not surprised to learn that Knott’s Berry Farm has gone cashless, doesn’t surprise me one bit, just another step to trying to control our society. They do have a converter machine so I fed it cash and it gave me a prepaid card. I wouldn’t have gone if they didn’t have something to convert cash because I don’t agree with going cashless but I certainly don’t agree with a lot that’s happening in our world today. My gym is also cashless for the record. I remember about six months ago I mentioned to a friend stuff about the cabal, committee 300, our government, etc. and all the things they were going to impose in the future and they pretty much told me I was paranoid. Am I?

Just so you know Knott’s Berry Farm is now $99 per person per day just for the park, water park not included. When’d they get a water park lol? They do have a fast lane that you can pay an additional amount of money and the lady told me, “there’s a lot of people today so that’s going to be an additional $153.” Say whaaat? Damn. Nope.  Again disappointing yet not surprising, just another way for them to make as much money as possible off of our hard-working souls. They also took a picture of every single person that entered the park. Every single person. Things that make me go hmmm. That’s a red flag for me and should be for everybody.

I forgot how small Knotts is but I guess everything relative to Disneyland is gonna be small. In my opinion Disneyland is overrated, and corrupt, but what isn’t. With my luck it’s also spring break so of course it was super packed and with no Fast Lane I think I rode like four rides. I did get a seasonal pass though because I figure if I’m going to spend more money I may as well be able to come back and spark joy whenever I want so for $150 seasonal pass it is.

Knotts Berry Farm jail. Don’t miss those days. Three times but who’s counting LOL. Don’t drink-n-drive. Just sayin’.

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Camp Snoopy and friends.

I love it when can I move in?

The video of whichever roller coaster I did ride, I forget…sometimers, and the skycam we’re too long to upload and quite frankly that’s too much technology for me to care so it’s a no-go.

Love and Light