Kyle Cease

My New Favorite


I‘m proud to say I’ve grown, or expanded, quite a bit today and I owe thanks to my new favorite mentor, Kyle Cease. I just love it when someone comes along and says things you’ve been trying to figure out and just speaks your language. That’s what Kyle did for me today. He spoke my language. He’s a motivational speaker, I think that’s what he is, and comedian. You blend the two and that’s my language. Life changing.

I’ve heard him a couple times and that’s what kept me going back. He “magically” popped up in my feed one day, I absolutely love those little surprises, thank you to my Angels. Hadn’t heard of him but lord knows how much I love comedy and sure do need those motivational words during a spiritual journey. I worked at the Improv for like five years and man do I have stories ha so comedy is up one of my alleys for sure. Anyway his message changed not only my mood, my day but he changed my perspective completely which changed my outlook on my journey and my life. I will shake his hand some day.

I didn’t realize till right now that he says evolving out loud, I like that concept, a lot. No more negative in your face COVID horse manure. I don’t want you all thinking I’m some propaganda loving, agenda changing wanna be Prophet Parker. I’m just ‘lil ole me who wants nothing but fairness and equality, the best really for humanity.

The beauty of it all is the fact that I can change my perspectives. I wouldn’t say I failed, okay maybe I did, at my approach to what’s happening in our world today. I came about it the wrong way with a very in your face kinda way which in all fairness is pretty much how I am and damn, I probably now have to alter some more perspectives, or actions or way to go about things. But that’s okay because I’m a life long learner, not to mention a late bloomer plus learn the hard way kinda gal and it’s okay to be wrong, it’s okay to fail. That’s exactly how I learn and grow, expand and build character. It’s what makes me a little wiser than the smart kid who just studies all day long and aces all his tests.

I have to admit, I got a little off track, down in the dumps, and I could’ve gone two different ways. Thank you Kyle for steering me in the direction I was meant to go because I’m now focusing on me again, not my journey per se cause that never ends, there is no finish line. I’m back to my optimistic loving self.

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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