Leap of Faith

About two or three weeks ago I was praying hard about my job situation. I figured I still had things to learn so accepted the fact that I still had to go as I now have rent and whatnot so can’t just up and bail out. I remember specifically saying, I wasn’t crying but I’m sure it was more of a frustrated tone, and I recall telling all of ’em that I was unhappy and confused as to why I was still there because for the past month or so I literally felt like I was suffocating in the negativity. I also mentioned that the happiest I’ve been thus far in my journey was when I was in my car with no job and focusing on my journey, free to go and do as I choose which was mainly spending time walking the beach listening to music, studying at the libraries, and I was involved with the church whether it be life groups (I joined three), babysitting and other events. I spent a lot time alone though, I took it for granted and didn’t quite appreciate my own company as much as I do now.

I’ve recently been asked to take a huge leap of faith by Spirit and have to be honest, I wrestled with it for about a week. Even though I was getting exactly what I asked for I hesitated but finally took that leap today and I have to say it feels amazing as the burden of my job has been lifted from my shoulders and in the words of Imagine Dragons, I broke free from the prison bus. It is bitter sweet though as I will miss those kids more than anybody knows. It’s because of them I was able to get through my shifts there at the end, but Spirit knew that so that was no accident.

That job taught me more about narcissist behaviors, tolerance, unconditional kindness (on my part) and I have to admit I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe I was clearing some high school karma too. It was a lot. Like a lot a lot but nothing I couldn’t handle, and I had the joy of hanging out with God’s special children.

I picked up my paycheck today (last three digits were 1.11 btw) and announced that the job was no longer in alignment with my journey, no hard feelings but I’m out. I have to say I’m extremely proud of myself for the way I handled it, even considering all the bullshit that went down yesterday. The old me would’ve given them all an ear full as I was known to have a very sharp tongue. But not today. I thought about it, yes I did, but to do that would indicate that I haven’t changed or grown at all and that’s simply not the case. I’m sure my mother was proud because I handled it gracefully and with class. I did do a cart wheel on my way out lol just kidding.

“Your soul purpose is to recognize your authentic self and open that door of your spiritual self that makes your life a message to the world”

I mean, how can I argue witht that?  I created this blog originally so my friends and family could keep tabs on me, but little did I know I was slowly going to be writing my autobiography about how my life completely changed after my awakening. About how I changed, changed my way of thinking, my attitudes and turned my life around. No need for revenge because my success will be my revenge. I don’t even believe in revenge but for those who betrayed me and didn’t think I would amount to much, they’ll see.

My relationship with the universe and God, my angels and my brigade is only strengthening as time goes by and I couldn’t be more grateful for my journey, for my life. My signs and synchronicities are so abundant I can hardly keep up. I love it. And don’t get me wrong I didn’t, I don’t like to say quit because I’m not a quitter, I released what was no longer serving me because I could. Everything happens for a reason, everything. I didn’t file my taxes last year cause well I was in my car and didn’t even know where my paperwork went but I filed my taxes for the last two years and believe you me I was blessed with more than enough and don’t even have to think about work right now. Think that was by accident, not in my world.

Prayer can move mountains. Faith moves ’em even farther and that’s exactly why I walk by faith and not by sight. That’s exactly why I trust in everything I cannot see, they have yet to disappoint and know they never will and that’s exactly why I will keep doing what I’m doing, learning what I’m learnig and following my path, wherever it may lead.

My journey is taking me to Arizona in a little over a month and that’s another reason the universe finally allowed me to exit stage left. Karma cleared, lessons learned, more wisdom and knowledge gained. It’s imperative I keep my vibration high at this point in my journey. What exactly is a vibration? It’s how you feel or how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling things like anger, frustration, resentment, etc. Those are low vibrations. I so much prefer joy, kindness and especially love which are all high vibrations and will keep your frequency at a higher level which is what I need to be focusing on in order to continue strengthening my spiritual gifts.

Love and Light