Lessons & Attachments

I finally got my computer back, can I get a halleluiah? It was a big fat lesson in attachments and letting go and believe you me that’s nothing I’m not accustomed to. I had to say goodbye to my old laptop and hello to a new one. Wasn’t expecting to have to let go of my old laptop but sometimes Spirit will taketh away just to see how oneth reacts, it reminded me of a Buddha quote…

Truth be told I’m a wee bit frustrated with everything right this second. I’m feeling another big fat lesson in surrendering. The stars aren’t aligning right this second for my healing classes and it’s all I can do to stay out of a funk while trying to remain positive. You mean to tell me I was diverted to the pranic healing only to have me sit on my hands? Pretty much. Alrighty then. The only downfall about my job is that I work weekends and these classes of course fall on the weekends. This is when I have to really practice what I preach and know that everything happens for a reason and divine timing is always at play. There’s so many things happening behind the scenes that I don’t even know and I have to have faith that all is well and everything will work itself out. They’re making me wait for whatever reason and I have to surrender to that.

Patience is a key factor and is one of the biggest lessons for me to learn in this lifetime, and as a double fire sign it has also been my biggest challenge and clearly still is. I just want to keep moving forward but for whatever reason Spirit has me sittin’ pretty instead and I have to be okay with that. But right this second I have to admit, it pisses me off lol. What it does is allow doubts to creep in and definitely brings out the somewhat bratty pants old me and that’s not okay. Prime example is me laying in bed this morning and literally saying out loud that I don’t wanna go to yoga. I do have the comfiest bed on the planet so being in it is one of my favorite things to do but at the end of the day I’ll have to say goodbye to that too so I know not to get too attached. Anyway I was being a brat and not wanting to go to yoga, ten minutes later my neighbor came out putting a hammer to a nail right outside my window. Really? I was like I guess I’m going to yoga and laughed the whole way there thinking about it. Make no mistake Spirit has a fantastic sense of humor and thank goodness so do I.

Lessons. I have to be honest, I’m a little tired of learning lessons these days and would love a breakthrough instead. I want that real life Ten of Cups and if you check out my resume of lessons learned, people lost, and things I’ve done to better myself I’d say it’s pretty impressive. I’d like to think it’s my turn but instead I’ll just hurry up and wait. I don’t see the bigger picture the way they do so Faith is all I’ve got. They could very well want me to save my money for something I don’t see coming. In all fairness I did clear as day hear not to force anything and then wouldn’t you know it like an hour later I saw that exact phrase as a heading on a YouTube shorts video. So yeah, doesn’t get anymore confirmation confirmed than that. George Michael’s gotta have faith song popped in my head a number of times here and there too which were nice confirmations as well. It’s still a wee bit frustrating though.

My new year doesn’t start until the end of March anyway so I have to keep reminding myself that. I say that because numerologically speaking 2024 is a year of abundance as it adds up to an 8 so this new year is all about abundance on every level, individually and collectively. I also have to keep reminding myself that when I say I’m on the verge of a breakthrough, in the land of Spirit that generally means we’ll see you in like three to six months with that, again with my lesson in patience. If it wasn’t for all my signs and synchronicities I’d say enough of this journey, I just want to live a “normal” life again, maybe the mundane matrix isn’t so bad after all. Joking aside I then have to remind myself that everything that happens is happening for me and not to me. But seriously at this juncture in my journey it’s like when am I done learning all these hard lessons and when can I just do what it is I’m here to do?

It was nice not having a computer for a minute, I did get out of the habit of looking at it everyday. Sure I have other sources of technology but it’s easier on a computer. I feel like Spirit did want me to take a break from YouTube and the information that’s out there. Let’s be real, there’s a lot going on in the world today and the real battle is the battle of information. There’s so much information coming through, so many “channelings” it’s hard to decipher what’s true and what isn’t. Discernment is imperative and if you’re not vibrating at the right frequency it can be challenging.

Like I mentioned if it wasn’t for all my signs and synchronicities I might wanna call it quits sometimes, thankfully I’m quite resilient and have an innate ability to persevere. The other day I took the bus to go roller skating, I felt like that’s what Spirit wanted me to do so that’s what I did, and on my way home was when I knew exactly why. As I was sitting at the bus stop awaiting my chariot this woman walking by stopped and told me her husband recently passed away. She was crying and telling me a little about it and said, “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this.” I replied with, “I do. I recently lost my brother so I know the pain that that brings.” I also told her I was a really good hugger and gave her the biggest hug she so desperately needed. For a brief moment she knew someone truly cared and it’s moments like that that keep me going. Some other signs and synchrones I captured from recent past…

the price of my bell peppers

This is a cool story. Three weeks ago I lost the pendent to my necklace, the pendant above. I noticed it was gone at a pot luck at church and even found the necklace part (which is simply hemp) still in the back of my blouse when I got home. I went back to let the person who cleans the church know in the event she found it. This past week I was watching the infants and towards the end I was sitting on the floor with one of the babies and boom there was my pendant. Mind you I wasn’t in the nursery when I lost it, and that nursery had been cleaned twice before this past Sunday. You can imagine my excitement to have found it, and there was a feather near by too. Thanks Spirit for everything, even my lessons.

Love and Light