Let God

I actually noticed this earlier today. As a matter of fact I noticed it shortly after I published my last post however many hours ago. I wish I could explain the tug of war that’s happening and has been happening within me for the last week, perhaps another day I will but for now it’s between me and God. This has been hanging on my wall for over a year, it hasn’t moved, not once, not even a little, until now. It may seem like nothing to you but it’s everything to me.



This is about two things right now.

  1. Patience
  2. Faith

Have you ever noticed that, you know how the saying goes, let go and let God. Have you ever noticed it’s the same thing but with an extra d on the end? Me either, until right now. Right now my patience and my faith are being tested like never before making it so I have only one choice and that’s to do nothing and wait. As simple as it sounds this is going to be the hardest thing I think I’ve ever done.

The struggle is real.