Level 1 Prana & Yeshua

With level one of pranic healing complete I now have a greater understanding and appreciation for the subtle energy that plays a critical role in our physical health and well-being on all levels; emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Pranic healing is an energy medicine system that teaches people to manipulate the body’s prana, or life force, to facilitate healing. It feels pretty good to know I’m now equipped with the tools I need to easily remove stress and stagnations by sweeping and generating more energy. By doing so I can now be of greater service to not only my friends and family but humanity as a whole, and anyone who needs it really.

We are all parts of a greater whole, a bioenergetic system that represents the sum total of the energy of each of us, the Oneness. The choices we make in our lives have direct effects, whether that be physically or energetically, on everyone around us. When we take steps to heal ourselves by way of others or self-healing we contribute positive emotions and energies to the system. With all that positivity and loving kindness with no exceptions (unconditional love), we can heal the world and create Heaven on Earth, which is the ultimate goal of Pranic Healing. And myself.


And let me tell ya, I’m already putting it into practice. A friend of mine recently had a somewhat serious surgery so I marched right over to her house to do a general sweeping. After that I focused on her point of surgery to do some energizing and stabilizing. She may be a wee bit biased but the next morning she texted me all excited to tell me how good she felt. I’m going back to do it again in a few days. She thanked me profusely but I told her to thank Spirit as I’m simply a vessel for it all. Anybody can learn energy healing but I do feel like I have a bit of a leg up and special connection with the unseen realm, and a lot of that has to do with all my passed on loved ones as of recent and otherwise. Thanks guys, I love you too. The wind was so bad in this video you can barely hear me (sarcastically) say how excited I am to ride my bike home, I could barely stand there and film.










We’ve got a big storm rolling through Huntington Beach right this second, I love me some rain yes I do. The wind was pretty crazy last night a work. At one point there were only two brave souls having fun on the pier, and me of course but I was born brave. That would so be me though on any given day, it’s even more fun when you have the proper apparel. I’m always down for fun and adventure!

I was recently watching an interview with Aaron Abke, I like him, he’s got an awesome awakening story. They were talking about Jesus which always gets my attention as I’m a big fan of Yeshua, from what I understand his preference is Yeshua but whatever. He had the best explanation, or description I’ve heard yet, so much so I have to share. Now mind you Aaron comes from a heavy background of Christianity with a father who’s a preacher and he was in the process of following in those footsteps when he had an awakening to the Truth of it all, much like myself but of course different because every journey is unique to each individual. Anyway he was talking about the infamous missing years and how he actually came from the Essenes who were basically cast out for being mystically rad. He mentioned the Essene rituals of baptism, laying of hands, going to the wilderness to pray and prophesying but what he said next resonated and made so much sense to me I wrote it down and am now sharing with you.

Jesus was a God-intoxified Jewish mystic from the Essenes of Qumran Valley who went to Jerusalem to spread the Good News of Oneness to everyone else and then was ultimately crucified for it. He also went on to say sometimes you just know things when you’re living from the heart space (as opposed to the your 3rd density of the solar plexus). He also called that knowing gnosis which is direct experience of truth within yourself. Then I added my two cents with it’s also called claircognizant.

All my Clairs are slowly opening up but claircognizance was the first, even though I didn’t know then what it was called. When my mom passed I just had this feeling it had something to do with me. I can recall that deep knowing like it was yesterday, the day after she left, I just knew. I didn’t know how or what exactly but I knew it had to do with me. Kind of like my blog, I don’t know why I’m writing it, I just know I have to. What I didn’t know was the ride I was in for that was gonna last the rest of this lifetime lol. I also knew I had to go. I had to leave everything behind and start anew and that meant people, places, (most of my) belongings and the biggest one of ’em all which I did not know until many moons later, and that was belief systems, especially the life of Jesus, or Yeshua.

Clairvoyance…clear seeing

Clairaudience…clear hearing

Claircognizance…clear knowing

Clairsentience…clear feeling

Clairempathy…clear emotions

Clairgustance…clear tasting

Clairtangency…clear touching

Clairalience…clear smelling



Love and Light