Life Force, AI & Human Touch

Prana, also known as Life Force, Chi and many other names is one of the best kept secrets. It’s not even a secret, it’s been practiced for decades. I was amazed but not surprised to see how I value much of the same philosophies and core principles. I remember first meeting Bill, founder of Orange County Prana, I remember, I even said it to him, I told him he spoke my language. Everything that was coming out of his mouth was everything I believed in; angels, positivity, past lives, loving kindness, synchronicities, alignment, tools in your toolbox, everything. You shouldn’t put anybody on a pedestal however unbeknownst to him he’s the mentor figure I’ve been praying for. Him and his brother Andy are genuine nice positive people, the kind of people you wanna be around.

I can’t help but feel like Pranic Healing is a foundation for something bigger, what that is exactly, I have no idea. If there’s anything I’ve learned over the past month it’s that I really don’t know how this is all going to unfold so I feel as though I’m finally embracing the ability to simply let go and let the cards fall where they may. There’s no doubt in my mind (anymore) that I’m here with purpose. I’m now beginning to lay the foundation for something greater, perhaps larger than life, if that’s even possible. It also has to explain all my 444’s lately.

I kid you not the amount of angel numbers I’ve been seeing over the last few weeks is insane, truly mind blowing. I mean I see angel numbers every single day but the amount of repeated numbers I’ve been seeing repeatedly is through the roof. A lot of 555’s too which is funny because I’ve always associated them with change and transformation but also challenges. I have to admit when I started seeing ’em so frequently I was like noooo, my brain was automatically going to what was challenging in my current situations which had me hyper-focused on that so to speak. They’re not major challenges but challenges nonetheless, but that’s still not what I should or need to be focusing on. When I looked it up in Joanne Sacred Scribes, I was able to redirect my thoughts which was awesome and made all the difference in the world.

One of the highlights for me in one of my classes was when we went outside to see if we could see the atmospheric auras, and I could! I’ve been seeing these air globules as she described it for quite some time actually but had no idea what they were. She asked us to describe what we could see and I said it the only way I knew how lol. I kinda chuckled when I said I saw little tiny sparks of light that look like sperm swimming everywhere and she laughed and said YES! She also said it’s definitely one of the words used to describe the aura of the air. I was also pleasantly surprised to see the aura of a tree in the distance, just for a split second right after I blinked, but I saw it nonetheless. Speaking of outside, this office if you can call it that, it’s more like an apartment, it has the most beautiful serene landscape. That’s by design I’m sure as there are many doctors offices and it’s where I go every Wednesday for meditation. It’s so peaceful, and I love all the ducks.


With Pluto moving into Aquarius, which it just did on the 20th we can expect to see a lot of technology unfolding. AI is coming. Oh who am I kidding, it’s already here. It’s been here for God only knows how long, they’ve just been holding out on us. I recently watched Weird Science, fantastic movie and definitely an all-time favorite but I was like damn, we’ve had AI since back in the 80’s? It’s obvious in Aliens too. Terminator…hello! The Jetsons, OMG that’s so old. The Stepford Wives. There’s so much (in your face) truth in movies and television it’s unreal. Here’s some other goodums with a lot of Truth…


Star Trek

Interstellar (fantastic movie)

Angels & Demons

Jupiter Ascending

Men In Black

Artificial Intelligence (very strange movie, I haven’t even finished it yet)

Forest Gump

Indiana Jones

Star Wars (of course, use the Force yo)


And the list goes on…

Almost any movie with the Hollywood big dawgs, Damon, Hanks especially, and Spielberg, they all have something to say that most aren’t paying attention to. You know what, thinking about this post after the fact I realized I shouldn’t be pointing fingers at anyone. Instead of deleted it though I’ll just call myself out and not do it anymore. But yeah, AI is here to stay and I must say I’ve changed my perspective when it comes to artificial intelligence aka advanced intelligence. We need it to get to the stars (literally) so I welcome it of course but I certainly don’t want it implanted in my body or hangin’ out between my sheets. No thank you, it’s not organic, in fact it’s quite the polar opposite. Trust and believe there will be a timeline shift when it comes to AI, and advanced technology in general.

I have a sneaky suspicion they’re coming out with implants or something to cure Alzheimer’s and/or Dementia, and for sure addictions, but that’s just me. They probably already have. How else are they gonna get everyone on board for AI, some things weren’t meant to be cured while other things that can be cured can also be done organically. And when I say organically in this context I’m not talking about growing things from Mother Gaia, I’m talking about the Divine and our body’s innate ability to heal itself. Most of the diseases can be prevented with our thought processes alone. Those that don’t or can’t, well in my opinion, are here for lessons to be learned in order for soul growth and evolution.

Nothing can replace human flesh and human touch. Human touch is paramount to overall wellness. A single hug can cure a thousand woes and I for one thoroughly enjoy giving them and receiving them, it’s definitely a legacy of my moms that I’m proud to continue. Research suggests that human touch is fundamental to communication, bonding and overall health. It’s said to be the first sensory modality to develop in the womb, humans are made to be touched, just don’t be a jerk about it.

A documentary that recently crossed my path is The 1 Field. I know Kryon doesn’t particularly care for me sharing his videos, probably copyright reasons because they’re deleted after the fact so I’ll put the link instead. It’s only available on YouTube and his websites. The 1 Field...

Physics of the planet are filled with effects of what this documentary calls “the field” and is already being taught by metaphysical teachers all around the world. It’s the physical space around you that can resonate with other sources, resonating frequencies that when tuned in correctly can reach the cosmos. The field is a benevolent, harmonious vibration that when resonated with a high vibration can actually cause spontaneous remission. Since 2012, there’s become increasing awareness about this field and now more and more old souls are seeing that they can harmonize and find the frequencies of consciousness that are hanging out in the field. Cool stuff.

There’s a section in the documentary that talks about remote healing which there’s a lot of in Pranic Healing. A lot of visualizing too along with channeling. It’s all starting to come together, little by little my puzzle is filling in. My patience will pay off, doesn’t mean I’m not still gonna be tested with it, I have a feeling that’ll be a life long lesson for me and that’s okay. Giving up isn’t in my vocabulary and through all my lessons and commitment failing isn’t either.

2024 will be an epic year on so many levels. We will see the beginnings of advanced technology, mind blowing advancements I’m sure as Aquarius is all about innovation and technology, among other things. It will retrograde back into Capricorn one last time at the end of this year before going direct into Aquarius again for some 43 years. The world is changing, times are definitely changing and depending on your attitude about it all this is one of the craziest and best times to be alive. Will people, and are people, struggling and suffering? Yes. But that’s how growth happens and the best way to learn, believe me I know. Everything that is happening in the world and all that will continue through the next few years is happening in order for the world to awaken. It’s the only way. 3D is also all about duality so it just makes sense. But with a positive attitude and right outlook the future will be filled with wonderment and everything will have been worth it so keep the faith.

And LOVE one another. Speaking of loving one another, I had lunch with my pops and mama Josie this past week. I’ve been busy so needless to say time is flying which is awesome because every day brings me another day closer to what it is I’m here to do so yay.


Love and Light