Life Purpose, and Angel Number Confirmation
Is it a coincidence that last night was (what seemed like) the storm of the century, my mother’s birthday and the evening I received the answers to all the questions I came to Costa Rica with regarding my life purpose and soul mission?
The questions I’ve been pondering relentlessly for over a year now? The trip to Costa Rica that my mom paved the way to? Um, NO. And how can I type that with such confidence? Because folks (FOLKS lol) I just can. There was about 40 minutes of relentless thunder and lightning and rain pouring like someone had just built an Ark.
It was amazing, and as much as I would love to tell you all the nitty gritty, I can’t. Well I could but then I’d have to kill you and I’m sorry my way of life doesn’t allow even the thought. So I guess you just have to stay tuned because you all know my life is never a dull moment and my unfiltered ass isn’t afraid to call it like I see it and share it.
Side note, have to at least share FOLKS with you because I do believe it’s the second reference (and not the last) I’ve made and it makes me laugh every stinkin’ time so I will give him a shout out. I don’t even know his name but he’s got a channel on YouTube that I watch because information is power and knowing is half the battle.
His channels called God Rules and it’s not religious based but he’s a pretty smart mo-fo, and says FOLKS like a lot. So if you want to know more today than you did yesterday, peep it out. FOLKS.
And I can confirm that last night wasn’t a coincidence, and I can do that because of my ever reassuring angel numbers. They’re not even “coincidences” in my world, I call ’em synchronicities. I’ll fill you in on my first REAL experience with angel numbers once I share these with you.
After an amazing and emotional evening these numbers came through today, and not necessarily all throughout the day but all within about a four hour time frame this morning. Because I was paying attention. Guarantee there were a lot more but my attention span doesn’t always go the distance. I get my information from an app on my iPhone called Universal Translator.
123 (Mind you this is the first time I’ve ever seen this number, I do see some numbers a lot more than others) Refers to progression along a journey or life path taking a step forward .
The meaning of #2 is getting set on your course with balance and faith and #3 is the expression and the communication from your higher self to expand into your potential. Have faith in your talents and move forward as you feel instinctive. (That blew my mind and brought tears to my eyes when I read it).
777 Know that you are here to evolve spiritually and you can do that by expressing the best parts of yourself. Rejoice in your successes and know that your positive efforts are being rewarded in miraculous ways. The strength of 7 times three.
7777 Represents good fortune and miracles. You should feel great that you’ve developed a great mind set that will bring you wonderful opportunities. Soon you will reap the rewards of your efforts. The Universe is telling you that you’re on the right path and that more miracles are coming your way.
Prepare for greater things and practice gratitude because your desires and wishes are finally about to manifest in your life. (First time I have ever seen this number too).
“At that moment of realization I couldn’t control my emotions.”
55 (I saw this number four times in a very short period of time. And I do see this number pretty much everyday) It’s about curiosity, facing challenges, learning life lessons through change and experience. Any life changes will be positive and be sure to let go of the old.
It’s a message from the angel who helps you remain positive and energetic during these life changes. (I’ve gotta tell you, like I said I see this number OFTEN but it was at the moment I read it today that I realized who that angel was. My mother. She was always positive.
At that moment of realization I couldn’t control my emotions. The flood gates opened and I wept. That’s the strongest notion of my intuition I get. Next to the traditional goosebumps and ringing of the ears.
I got 22 and 33 also but I get those all the time so another day.
“But this was moment I just knew that magic is real.”
I‘ll share with you another moment of my gates opening and the tears flowing. Back it up a little, my mom and I both suffer from what we call “tummy tacks”. They don’t happen very often and not often enough for it to be IBS or anything else really so never been diagnosed. Not necessary. But they are stress related.
Mind you the amount of stress I was under for about 4 months straight would’ve rendered one every night but I only had this one. You wake up always in the wee hours between 2-3am and they start off mild, the cramps, and gradually work their way up to what I will call very labor-like pain.
And just because I never gave birth doesn’t mean I don’t know what those feel like. They fucking hurt. A lot. You know you’re in trouble the second you wake up and know what the next half hour is going to entail. So you brace yourself. Without fail you wind up on the floor because you’re sweating so profusely from the pain the floor provides temporary relief as it’s usually tile and cold because it’s near the bathroom. That evening I was at the foot of my bed.
The following morning I was in the shower and looking through the glass down at the spot I was laying fetal position (I was in a 5th wheel at the time so everything was like two steps away, the bathroom, the bed, the shower, etc). That’s when I noticed the pennies.
There were three pennies in the shape of a triangle. What’s the triangle with two sides long, shit I should know this but I almost failed geometry (twice lol). Anyway, as I’m staring at it, it hit me like a ton of bricks…..holy shit balls, that’s exactly where I was laying when I was having my tummy tack last night.
The triangle was her. She was laying there right next to me the whole time. I couldn’t control it, the flood gates opened and I cried like I did the night she passed. It was a powerful moment to say the least.
Another angel number synchronicity moment, in fact it was this ride when I realized this shit was real. I mean I’m a believer and she’s given me signs that she was still here. But this was moment I just knew that magic is real. It was I don’t know, a month after leaving my relationship and I was sitting in another hotel milking the extended late check out hour eating MacDonald’s trying to figure out where exactly I was gonna go next.
Not looking forward to hauling all my shit to the front of the hotel just to load it up to unload it again. Actually this time I was going to get my Subaru (after giving up the beloved Tundra) and I just knew it was gonna need a lot of TLC (understatement, it needed an oil change, professional interior cleaning, a new battery, brakes and the AC wasn’t working) after a long time not in my possession.I was feeling sorry for myself in the biggest way and I was just pissed off at the world and hating everybody in it. My hour’s up and it’s time to go so I get on my Lyft app and enter my information and the three options pop up. The second option was $22.22. I knew instantly that was an angel number so I hit it without hesitation.
I hauled all my crap to the front and was waiting outside for my ride. The car pulled up and to my surprise it was a female driver. I’d been using Lyft for like a week and no offense to the male drivers but I was pumped it was a female. Females like to talk and I was ready to spill my ho hum gut to somebody.
When I got in the first thing I noticed was the music, EDM, I love EDM. The name of the song was “Heaven”. Okay cool didn’t really think much about it. I looked up the angel number 2222 in my app. The moment I started reading it I felt this warmth from my toes start and went all the way through my body and out my fingertips and to the top of my head. My whole attitude had shifted just like that.
After asking her if she was spiritual I read to her what I had just read and we chatted a bit. We stopped at a light and she turned and said to me, “I have to tell you something….I’m 22 years old today.” At this moment I’m like whaaaaaat? And that’s when I noticed the next song that was now playing called “Don’t Give Up on Love” and then I noticed her name….Denise. That’s my middle name.
Just when I thought my attitude couldn’t get any better, it did. She says, “I love your vibe” and I told her she wouldn’t of said that twenty minutes ago and that it was because of her ride that my life was about to change. I told her that I’ve never been one to journal but today I was gonna start and it was all thanks to her.
I mentioned I wanted to start a blog and when I did I was gonna tell the world how she changed my life. So here I am. That’s when I realized magic is real and things would eventually be okay. The number of synchronicities that transpired within a matter of minutes, like five or six, was mind blowing for me.
The way my attitude changed instantly from pissed off at the world to all (literally and figuratively) warm and fuzzy inside. Just like that. And I did start journaling that day and you know what, I haven’t missed a day since. Synchronicities are one of God’s way of saying, keep your head up kid and keep going.
2222 (this meaning can be found in the app Angel Numbers) Encourages you to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life, no matter what the circumstances. Trust that everything will turn out for the highest good of all in the long-term, so do not put your energies into negativities such as fear or worry, but rather, know all is being worked out by spirit.
Nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason. Maintain a positive attitude yada, yada, yada and Divine right timing. Angel number 2222 also reminds you that love is the most important thing of all. Yes it is. Pretty cool stuff.
— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader