Life’s A Journey, Go Live It

Life’s A Journey, Go Live It

Endings for new beginnings,
Death and rebirth’s how it goes.
You must have one to have the other,
Like the moon guides the ebbs and flows.

Ever evolving humans,
Living this school called Earth.
Obstacles, challenges and overcoming,
Learning of our self-worth.

Strive always to be better,
A goal that we all should possess.
To err is only human,
Not making you any less.

Relearning old skool patterns,
Belief systems no longer fit.
No longer scored on what you got wrong,
Your mistakes will bring you true grit.

Grit shows courage and strength,
Your passionate and persevere.
You learn to dust yourself off,
Fucking up isn’t something you fear.

Rather than asking questions,
Go out and seek answers instead.
Search for them in the unknown,
The road less traveled ahead.

Being uncomfortable sucks,
For sure, it’s rarely ideal.
But with it or shortly thereafter,
Growth thanks from time to heal.

Transformation: a powerful gift,
Be the change that you want to see,
Have the grit and conscious awareness,
And the courage to not always agree.

Embrace your unique perspectives,
Stand strong in what you believe.
Trust in your faith and go  and explore,
Be amazed by what you’ll achieve.

P.S. I love Old Skool Vans, hence the spelling

P.S.S. It’s 11:11, a prominent angel number


— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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