If Elon Musk can be Elohim under a mask then who’s to say I’m not an archangel undercover? You don’t know what you don’t know and have you seen the movie Michael with John Travolta? Ironically enough though, lately I’ve been feeling like I resonate more with light being. When I went to look it up I had to laugh as it’s exactly what I’ve been learning as of late…
I talk a lot about coming back one more time and as I know that to be true, it’s not for the reasons I once thought. Although I’m pretty sure I have mentioned this before but now I’m feeling it more than ever and that’s that I’ve already reached what most would call the state of enlightenment, but in another lifetime and/or different dimension.
If I hadn’t I wouldn’t be my future self traveling back in time to be here when humanity needed help as a species, helping the human race as it stands on the threshold of a profound metamorphosis. I don’t know yet exactly why I’m here and what it is I’m suppose to do but on a fundamental level I know when I work on myself I’m essentially helping the collective as well.
As I heal my own personal shadows and fears along with the illusions of separation and limitations I also dissolve the collectives barriers which allows this planet to achieve higher vibrations of harmony, peace and love. When I heal wounds within I also heal ancestral shadows. While there’s always room for improvement I feel as though I’ve done most if not all of my own healing which has to be why I’m feeling so restless these days.
Restlessness, boredom, feeling as though I have nothing to do and I’m somewhat wasting time are not states of being I’m particularly fond of. I also know when I align myself with joy I broadcast frequencies that lifts the lives of countless individuals so is it no wonder I’m feeling out of sorts when I’m finding it difficult to find my own joy right this second?
I know I am cloaked to many and my journey is unseen by most for now but it doesn’t change the fact that I feel like I should be doing more. I don’t know what else to do at this point to further dismantle the illusions any more than I already have which is why I just need to keep going. I just need to be. Nothing is done by force but rather with presence which is another reason I just need to keep myself in the here and now moments.
Spirit did wake me up at 4am to remind me that 5D isn’t a destination, it’s a way of life. Same goes for ascension, it too is a way of life and not somewhere to be. I also woke up with the song Love is the Seventh Wave by Sting (a-ling-a-ding-ding-ding) in my head. I couldn’t resist, one of my favorite SNL skits.
The sentence permeating my brain fresh outta dream state that led me to the song was there is a deeper meaning than this, that you don’t understand. The actual song made sense too though…
I know it’s about love and oneness, along with balance and harmony which explains why 666 is my fan favorite when it comes to angel number these days, I’m seeing it everywhere. I can’t help but feel like I need to be doing more but I also know there’s nothing that needs to be done right this second.
I know I’m waiting for something, or someone, and truth be told it’s making me bananas. My soul feels it because my soul knows what’s next but no ones telling me until it’s the perfect timing. I get it, I just don’t like it lol. But like I was saying, I can’t help but to feel like I resonate more with light beings these days.
By definition it’s the ability to illuminate the world with divine light, or to a collective consciousness that vibrates with unity consciousness. Well no wonder it just feels right. Archangels are powerful beings of light and from I understand they’re also the first expression of God, or Source.
I don’t know how else to explain it other than my body responded as I was listening to Matais De Stefano when he said archangels, when he mentioned they’re powerful radiation with the ability to destroy as well as create but only destroying when they’re out of balance. While I know angels are metaphorically speaking I can’t help but think about all the things I destroyed in the first half of my life.
I can’t help but notice even more how completely out of balance I’ve been up until these last few years, and even up until these past few months. Perhaps now it’s time for me to show the world that I’m also able to create beautiful things and is exactly why I’ve had to go through the process of my own metamorphosis.
Here’s me sitting at a light. I can’t make this stuff up, 333 on my left and 444 on my right.
4:44 on the clock shortly thereafter and a little Jesus saying hey at the Sprouts self-checkout that had me laughing out loud. I love it. This is a day in my life and I guess it’s these moments that balance out all the restlessness. Thank you Spirit, but now will you please gimme a hint of what’s to come?
SNL Sting, makin’ copies. Wait for it…
Love and Light