It became clear as soon as I got home from my road trip that the only place I belong right now is by myself. I roller skate every morning, for the most part and do yoga and whatnot, I also watch the babies at church, but it seems as though I’ve put a whole new meaning behind homebody. Not only did the hermit card come out a few times last month but just a few days ago I pulled the solitude card (twice) which is equivalent to the hermit card. I like to say that I’m my favorite company so this is giving me the chance to prove it. It’s also giving me the opportunity to exercise my trust muscles, to the tenth power.

Speaking of cards, like I said I pulled some cards a few days ago and my only intention was to be shown what they wanted me to see. I know my ships are coming so I just need to wait in my train station for my train to arrive, the train that’s going to get me to my ships. I feel like my time alone at home is a blessing in disguise. I feel like some of the reasoning behind it is to keep me out of the public scene so nobody can put any type of doubt or discouragement in my head.
I can’t explain my situation right now to most people, only those who understand my ascension path which is few and far between. I don’t need any naysayers or people telling me what they think I should be doing. Gone are the days that I let others dictate my actions. I think it’s imperative right now, in fact I know it is, that I stay positive focusing on the present moments knowing I’m on the precipice of change so being alone not only gives me the chance to do just that but to also do some deep diving into my spiritual practices.
I can’t help but feel like my trip to Mexico was also a chance to change my attitude so to speak about my living quarters. Don’t get me wrong I like where I live and have been here for almost two years so I’m comfortable but my trip reminded me to appreciate what I do have. I didn’t know it at the time but now it has become clear that I’m spending most of my time home alone with very little outside communication.
Spirit has of course made some special appearances. I made mashed potatoes last week and not much longer later I had a craving for peas to go with it. I didn’t understand the craving but I also didn’t question it. On my way to yoga I had the bright idea to stop by Walmart, which I don’t even shop at anymore, all my groceries now come from the little farmers market. I popped into Walmart for peas and nothing else and when I was at the register I knew why I had the urge to do so. It wasn’t until I took a picture of the receipt that I noticed they were called sweet peas and I also noticed all the 5’s which represent change and transformation. I love it.
I was standing at the register when at the last moment I asked for a bag. It’s funny because I had my purse so my initial thought was nah I don’t need a bag but then at the last second I asked for one. I handed the twenty to the cashier and was then nudged to look at the register window thingy and that’s when I laughed because I saw it read $18.88. 8’s are all about abundance but what’s even cooler is Gregg Braden recently said that 8 is also the number for God. I didn’t know that so I’ll take it, we all know how I feel about twofers. If you wanna get abstract there’s also some 111’s and 222’s.
Then last night I was laying in bed watching a movie when a blinking light caught my eye. There’s a tiny sliver between my curtains and the only thing I can really see is the chair on the deck across the way. I can’t even see it unless I’m in front of the window looking out but it was dusk, probably around 5ish. My eyes were drawn to what looked literally like a blinker, the light was orange and the pause in between blinks was like that of a blinker. Most of the time anyway, it was a little random here and there too. It blinked I don’t know maybe ten to fifteen times. This morning I went for a closer look and this is what I found. One of these guys magically lit up just for me.
I love how Spirit never hesitates to remind me that I am so not alone, especially during my times of reflection and inner work. Pulling cards is another way they communicate of course which is why I’m such a big fan of this tool of divination. I don’t understand how many can think of it is as cult-like, it’s silly really. All it’s doing is educating you and helping you move forward in the most loving and positive way possible. But I guess it has something to do with not understanding it and even more to do with programming. We generally fear what we don’t understand and when you’re conditioned to think a certain way it’s difficult to want to try to see things from a different lens.
This card reassures you that this is your time to be in the light. No matter what’s happening around you, prosperity and bliss are promised. The Light always brings forth new birth, a constant renewal of life. This is one of the most positive cards in the deck and it’s yours. As people become attracted to your light – and that’s by being compassionate, generous, inspiring and a leader – many will benefit as they feel the warmth emanating from you. Be discerning, but also be open to whatever and whomever you’re attracting, for your rays reach far and wide.
The Light card reminds you that because of its power, nothing remains in the dark. Through its illumination, truths and certain paths before you begin to emerge and be surely seen. Using the energy of positive thoughts and continually thinking about the happiest and most joyful memories will light the path before you even more brightly and attract exactly what you’re emanating so keep on shining!
Super grateful, always thankful and can’t wait to see what Spirit has next for me. It’s not easy though, this is probably one of the hardest parts about a spiritual path, trusting in the unknown. Exercising those faith muscles can be challenging when your logic wants you to do everything in your power to keep you feeling safe.
I’ll be honest, there was a point when I was racking my brain on what I could or should do to generate some income right now. I was thinking I could do my side hustle (I’m just not feeling it though ) or I could probably babysit but that’s not what I’m here to do. Plus I would then have to explain why I’m no longer at the pier and I just don’t want to do that either. I have to trust my path will unfold and help will arrive when it’s supposed to.
I was skating the other morning when the answer came to me. The thought popped into my head, it was a question actually. Are you doing it out of fear or out of love? This is spirituality 101 and it stopped me in my tracks. The answer was obvious…fear, and that’s not good. We should never do anything out of fear, always out of love. It was the realization that I’m not supposed to be doing anything right now except trusting that my team of invisibles has me.
They see the bigger picture that I don’t, and if you wanna get technical and multidimensional, everything is happening all at the same time. The past, the present and the future are all happening simultaneously, just not on our side of the veil. The future has already happened and I’m not privy to that information (yet) so all I can do is trust knowing my Higher Self has my back. So that’s what I do, I keep going knowing everything will work itself out.
In all fairness to Spirit I keep hearing, whether it’s music, movies or in my head, I keep hearing everything’s gonna be alright. I keep taking deep breaths knowing everything will be okay, in fact, I have a sneaky suspicion everything is going to be even better than I expected. Don’t ask me how I know this because my logic doesn’t understand it either, but my heart does. I guess you could say right now I’m doing my best to build that bridge of coherence between my heart and my head because when you can do that, you can master just about anything.
And then Spirit said…
Love and Light