
I’ve been keeping myself pretty busy lately and not intentionally per se but rather just because. I recently started volunteering at the humane society and also joined my church Christmas choir. I don’t know why exactly, well yes I do, I can’t enough God these days. That and the fact that I thoroughly enjoy worship along with the fact that Christmas music puts a spring in my step so I couldn’t resist. And make no mistake, it’s no coincidence that dog is god spelled backwards. Both are epitomes of unconditional love. It’s kind of funny because neither one of them were quite what I expected but I continue with ’em with joy in my heart nonetheless.

Walking dogs wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be, or perhaps it’s better to say that there was a lot more involved to walking dogs than I thought. My goodness I’m surprised they didn’t do a background check, and now that I’m thinking about it I still have like three more training videos to finish. On top of that I didn’t think I was going to be able to do it on the first day because it was pretty rough on many levels. It tugged on every single one of my heart strings seeing them all cooped up in what looks like doggy jail along with the stress they all displayed but once you get them outside and on the walks it was much better. Let’s not forget the smell. I’m extremely sensitive to smell, good and bad and wet dog is at the top of my no thank you list so it’s something I’m definitely having to overcome with a mind over matter approach. It’s working and I’ll get there but man is it rough.

I felt called to sign up for it so I’m just following my intuition. Spirit’s got me there for one reason or another and what seems like everything else, I’m not sure why yet but with time it will make more sense. Probably falls under the service to others category along with leadership skills. Leadership isn’t about ability, it’s more about responsibility and it’s something I’m continuously strengthening with everything I’m doing. Joining the choir wasn’t as easy as I thought either, after two practices I’m still kind of lost. Can’t we just sing jingle bells and call it a day lol. I can see the lesson in this one though and that’s that practice makes perfect and I sure do need some more (outside on my own) practice. That goes with anything really though, especially my spiritual practices. Heard.

Service to others is coming in loud and clear lately which would make sense as Service to Others consciousness is fully integrated with the cosmic sovereign Law of God, or the Law of One. In the event we need a recap of the Law of One, it’s the understanding that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. It’s a sacred science of the mechanics of consciousness and are the Natural Laws governing our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that eternal truth is eternal love and eternal love is the organic consciousness of our Creator, or Source, or God. The Law of One is the universal truth that All is One.

According to the basic principles of Service to Others include…

-We perceive the connection of love in all things and give unconditional love and compassion towards others.

-We are dedicated to transforming negative ego thoughts through developing GSF (God-Sovereign-Free) behavior modeling. When we are in energetic balance with ourselves, we are in balance with our highest spiritual self and our heart where we become increasingly healthier and more peaceful.

-We are dedicated to the spiritual consciousness growth and to help others with their spiritual development.

-We share information and knowledge with others as open source in unified cooperation.

-We have a complete lack of concern for satisfying materialistic ego needs or satisfying drives of the houses of ego.

-We acknowledge that every person is a spiritual being on their own personal path of spiritual growth and discovery.

-We are committed to experiencing a shared positive reality of world humanism with others on Earth.

Animals are beautiful people so signing up to be of service to them makes perfect sense really, same goes with my service to the church. A little reminder that just because I don’t have the same belief systems as they do anymore doesn’t mean I can’t go and be of service in the infant room along with joining the choir for Christmas to back up the worship team. At the end of the day we’re all there for the same reason and that’s to feel the Holy Spirit and praise God. Eventually we will be able to all come together and worship with the same belief system.

Service to others is also an important component to identifying as a Lightworker which is one of the first truths I discovered about myself as far as what I was feeling. I’m definitely a warrior of the Light and am now an honorary member of Team Light thanks to the DisclosureFest. Matt Kahn described it best when he said we’re the announcers of well-being. Lightworkers are the voice of the Divine ensuring that well-being is announced, especially when shit goes down. Why? Because as the announcers of well-being we are the infinite Source welcoming all life as Light through the announcement of well-being and to return all beings in our presence to the absolute Law of One, all is well.

All is well is something I say often, it’s definitely one of my go to mantras, especially during challenging times. I try to always stay positive when focusing on what’s to come. If thoughts become things then its important for me (and everybody else) to focus on positive things. Right now I’m focusing on unconditional love and service to others and how I can incorporate those into my everyday life which I’m doing a pretty good job of right this second so yay.

Speaking of Matt Kahn he said something else that I needed to hear and that’s how my journey is not a quick trip, it’s more like the long game. Thank you Matt for all your wisdom nuggets, I sure do appreciate you.

The week wouldn’t be complete without some signs and synchronicities of course. I was really wanting to feel the Christmas spirit so I went to South Coast Plaza just to walk around. My mom really enjoyed Christmas season and since she’s seeing the world through my eyes now I went to feel both. And that I did.

backwards, forwards and sideways I tell ya
it's a three-fer. yasss
it’s a three-fer yassss

I see 227 all the time and still have no idea why
I see an angel kissing the ocean

Love and Light