Lightworkers, Starseeds & Volunteers

Lightworkers, Starseeds, Earth Angel, Volunteers, how do you know if you’re one of ’em? There’s also Indigos, Crystal Children and even more but I’m gonna focus on the first ones. I personally identify as a Lightworker, actually a Light Warrior but that’s a conversation for another day. In theory I’m an Earth Angel too but Lightworker resonates the most with me. I can tell you one thing they all have in common and that’s that they all feel like they have a mission here on Earth. We have a drive to repair, to improve, to help, and we all want to know what the bleep is our mission? What’s my soul purpose? The first wave of these beautiful beings came in the 40’s. Dolores Canon wrote a book “The Three Waves Of Volunteers & The New Earth” about it.

From what I understand (thanks a call was made for beings in their feminine energy (which has NOTHING to do with sexuality and gender and EVERYTHING to do with sensitivity) to volunteer to come back to earth to increase the feminine energy frequencies to counterbalance the masculine energy by bringing calm to the chaos (we see today) along with stability and progress.

As we enter the Age of Aquarius and the 5D Ascension we elevate above polarities towards higher vibrations of peace, love, harmony and abundance. These volunteers are born with varying degrees of amnesia (hence the term “Awakening”) into a system of oppression and a system of control (that’s clearly on a downward spiral) while the rest have been simply brainwashed by social media, fake news and smart phones.

Some signs to get your gears grinding….

1. You feel like you don’t belong.                                                                 I’ll never forget the first time I literally had that thought in my head, now mind you I was popular I guess in high school, I’m a people person, I get along with pretty much everybody but I’ll never forget I was working for this company Argas in Colorado probably like 4 years ago which was a company that worked all the major venues like Red Rocks Amphitheater and Fiddler’s Green where there’s a lot of people and certainly a lot of employees. I remember specifically saying to myself one day at work when I first started working for Argas, for the first time in my life I feel like I don’t belong, it was the strangest thing and now that I think back that must’ve been the beginning of my Awakening, slowly but surely and then my mother being the catalyst that finished the job.

2. You often feel like you just want to go home.                                   I’m pretty sure I didn’t necessarily have this feeling until after my mom passed because it’s now that I find myself saying I’m ready to go, so ready to go hang out with my mom, or go home, or whatever. But I’m not going anywhere cause God has plans for me. Even if I tried He’d just chuckle and tell me to get my butt back out there.



3. You have a deep knowing that you have a mission.                          That’s pretty much the first thing you inadvertently start to focus on whether it’s been brought to your attention or not, you just feel it. You just know. I knew from day one my mom’s passing had something to do with me, I didn’t know it was going to be the Great Awakening for the masses LOL but that was two years ago and a lot can happen in two days so imagine how much has happened in two years, and in the next two years.

4. You want to serve others, you’re a giver.                                           I’ve always wanted to help others from the very beginning, I mean special needs has been my jam from day one and will be my jam till the day I go home…with a little mass awakening and healing in the middle LOL. And you betcha I’m a giver! And a lover!

5. You have unusual eyes.                                                                     Now I wouldn’t classify my eyes as unusual although hazel is pretty unique and mine are almond-shaped. All eyes are little orbs of magic made up of different colors with hazel eyes being a combo of browns, greens, golds and sometimes blue. Mine are straight up green. Hazel eyes are symbolic of wisdom, insight and enlightenment. Those with hazel eyes are said to be optimistic and spiritual with a strong inner-self that can never be broken and have pioneering spirits while being smart and spontaneous. Sounds about right. Eyes are passageways to our souls and every expression, every feeling, every emotion lies in the eyes and sadly its usually the first thing we forget when meeting someone or something we pay not enough attention to.

6. Naturally drawn to holistic therapies and spirituality.                   I’m all about holistic. I think western medicine while some of it is necessary most of it is a scam. They make us sick and keep us sick to make money off of……well everything. But that’s just me. Same with electricity.  Nicola Tesla vs. Thomas Edison. Look it up on something other than Google. YouTube it, its not forbidden knowledge for Pete’s sake.

7. Your energy is feminine, in other words you’re sensitive.     Actually according to my birth chart I’m a perfect balance of both masculine and feminine. I’m pretty good at fluctuating.

As a whole, not individually because we all also have our own individual soul purpose, but collectively our mission is to plant seeds, cause vibrational ripples, anchor light on Gaia’s grid, and simply help people who are awakening. It’s also to be kind, attentive, gracious, generous and humble while spreading unconditional love and embodying the spirit of a warrior wearing God’s armor because planet Earth is a war zone for hearts, minds and souls that desperately needs attention right now. Three wars…spiritual, psychological and political. Those are just the obvious guys.

It’s also an opportunity to be present during a rare cosmic event offering a unique opportunity to grow karmically. It was a chance to propel soul evolution so naturally I said sign me up. It’s explains why I’ve had a lifetime’s worth of life lessons in the last two years, it’s why I’ve endured so much trials and tribulations on top of normal life wear and tear and why I’ve experienced so much loss.


Let me tell you my growth game is strong. Nothing and I mean nothing phases me, surprises me or can hurt me anymore. There’s no obstacle I can’t overcome, no hurt I cannot heal, no confusion I cannot fix, no lesson I can’t learn quickly, and no power I can’t take back. I’m pretty much an untouchable spiritual gangster and proud of it.

I’ve learned to take nothing personally, if I dwell it’s not for long and I always bounce back stronger and wiser than before. I’m a force to be reckoned with and at the same time I’m also the most loving, affectionate, nurturing, empathetic and lets not forget understanding spiritual being having a human experience.

The ripples that are created by lightworkers, the waves of lighter energies, are a way of helping this planet without directly interfering with the right to free will. Lightworkers shine light everywhere they go, lighting up the darkness, challenging the matrix, going against the status quo with a smile and spreading the vibration of love.

The next few years are critical in the Mass Awakening as people will need assistance globally with healing, protection, comfort, advice and support. The world is ascending and it will get better whether people are aware yet or not. And just to be clear, there is free will and not everybody will ascend and that’s okay. For those who do there’s three phases:

Phase 1 is the awakening.

Phase 2 is the recalibration.

Phase 3 is the realignment.

As lightworkers, starseeds and volunteers, it’s our mission collectively to facilitate this process from the ground up which makes it extra frustrating, having to work overtime figuring out this, that and the other. Learning to discern what’s true and what’s false while sniffing out complete horse manure. There’s no roadmap. There’s no set of instructions. I can’t just phone a friend on this one. And on top of that and at the same time I’m trying to learn to trust my intuition, which at this juncture isn’t always completely accurate. But with every wrong turn there’s a new road to take on my neverending path creating my very own personal journey. It’s far from easy, sometimes it’s downright hard, not to mention exhausting. I’m a big fan of naps simply by default. I’ll be up for a few hours and then I be like damn I need a nap so I take one. It keeps me charged because that’s what I need to be along with balanced, kind and compassionate to everyone I encounter.

It puts the Golden Rule into a whole new perspective for me cause it’s something I firmly stand by now…”if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all” oh wait “do unto others as you’d have done unto you” well that one too which are both easier said than done but I’m a work in progress and at the end of the day the rules ring true and I certainly know better. Speaking of perspectives after watching the series The Chosen it puts “what would Jesus do” in a whole new perspective for me which is the perspective of completely making sense LOL because he was the most calm and nicest guy on the planet. Nothing ruffled his feathers. I love him. Literally and figuratively.

While I’m doing my best to ripple out positive energy a majority of people right now are rippling out their energy of fear, confusion and division so it’s imperative that I stay positive and focused and not just to counteract that negativity but to set the example. I need to be the change I so desperately want to see in our country, our nation and in our world. This is barely the beginning but we will get there no matter how bad it gets. I know I have faith and so should you.

Love and Light