Long Beach Grand Prix 2022

Well my day started out when I opened the door and boom there’s a black and white cat literally two steps in front of me. Never seen this cat in the neighborhood before and it disappeared just as fast as it appeared so naturally I look up the spiritual meaning of a black and white cat.

The black and white cat also known as a tuxedo cat is a sign of mischief and play representing the need for a little good humor in our lives and to break up the seriousness and monotony. Reminds us to remain playful and keep the child in us alive so that’s exactly what I did today, or yesterday rather and man did it feel good!

Being that I spend most of my time alone whether it be researching, journaling or whatevs, it’s sometimes hard for me to be playful. I don’t have anybody to really be playful with and this new cycle of my journey is pretty important and serious. However staying positive, keeping joy in my heart and connecting with my inner child is essential to my spiritual growth and ascension process. Sometimes so much easier said than done but today I nailed it.

I’ve been to the Grand Prix before but I’m sure I was probably pretty close to wasted and is why I have no real recollection of it LOL so I must say it was refreshing to enjoy my day and have memory of all of it. There is something sexy about race car drivers, pit crews and the sounds of all the tools involved. Super sexy.

How appropriate, I love it!

Me and Tami Tam Tam, I take care of her mother Delcia and I’ve been blessed to have them put in my path on my journey for many reasons and for that I’m grateful.

Charlie and his family. Charlie fixed my radiator for me a couple months back and is Steve and Tami’s neighbor. Charlie got us into the Grand Prix VIP style. Thanks Charlie.

Club 300 was pretty cool too with some classic cars, this one was my favorite but honestly all I could think about was how rad it would be to be doing something I’m not supposed to be doing in the back seat LOL. Just sayin’.

Concert was nothing less than effing awesome. I don’t care what anybody says the 90’s had the best music. Pretty rad to see performances by Sugar Ray, Gavin Rossdale and one of the dudes from Run DMC. And when they announced the drummer I said to the stranger next to me, “did they just say Josh Freese?” and he’s like I think so. I was like hells yeah I graduated with his brother Jason. Like he knew I went to high school with ’em LOL. But then another guy says, “did you go to El Dorado, me too!” I’m telling you this world gets smaller every day so you always gotta be on your toes.


And here’s all the ones my Angels messed with LOL

I know it may seem like just a black photo or a random oops maybe but not in my world cause I get them ALL the time.

Not the best quality picture but I need this truck, it’s got everything I want from the camper tent up top to the awning on the side and just the fact that it’s a truck. I am definitely a truck kind of girl.

As we were walking around we were watching the race from this viewpoint and this gentleman said that his date probably wasn’t going to show up so I told him I would be his temporary date for a minute. Nobody deserves to be stood up, it’s heartless and it’s rude.

And just the rest of my random pics, thanks for caring.

This guy was so high up, this picture doesn’t do it justice.

And wouldn’t you know it when I returned from my fantastic day I had an even more fantastic Angel message waiting for me and it read…

“My child, know there’s magical and mystical air surrounding you and this kind of presence is at work in your life right now sending you holy energy to connect with the astral world directly. They’re also shielding you from harm so we want you to connect with this holy energy consciously as with the help of this energy you can complete the most difficult tasks easily.  

As you started taking your journey even more serious and stepping into your highest possibility your Angels are proud of all your efforts you’re making in your life and want you to know they’re so excited for you to experience the magic that’s coming your way. 

My child, we know you might have experienced some ups and downs recently but know the wind is finally in your direction and you have the favor of the Universe on your side so use this opportunity. Remember change can happen in an instant so follow your inner guidance and take steps and allow yourself to receive good as it comes your way. Remember your energetic field is in a state of change and expansion and it’s giving you another chance to work on your goals so get ready to release your magic into the world.”

Man so much awesomeness! I hope I didn’t share too much as I get these kinds of messages pretty much every day but I don’t share ’em because I have to keep a lot of my journey private as well as public but these messages are what keep me going and I can’t reiterate enough that Angels are real, God is real. At the very least you have to be able to expand your mind to realize that there is something so much greater than us. The unseen world(s) is/are a magnificent, amazing, miraculous, indescribable, unbelievable reality full of realms our conscious mind can’t even fathom without diving deeper into the unconscious. And I couldn’t be more excited and blessed and grateful to be a part of this transition. This is an unprecedented time of our lives that is truly history in the making. This time we’re going to write the history books the way they’re supposed to be written and that’s with truth, accuracy and genuine information even if I have to do it myself.

Not to be a Debbie downer but right now it seems like everything is going back to “normal” when in reality it’s just a quiet before the storm. Ukraine is experiencing the epitome of a Tower moment. Spoiler alert mainstream media is feeding you lies and a lot of those videos that you’re seeing are from years ago but that’s besides the point because you’ve gotta understand that it’s all for purpose not to mention necessity. Its so imperative to eliminate the corruption and the evil that’s penetrated a country that is actually still a part of Russia. While the devil resides in the Vatican (yes I just typed that outloud) he’s got vacation houses in Ukraine that his minions are being evicted from. But that’s just my opinion, right? Sure thing, if you say so but my brigade and I  know I speak truth.


I read somewhere that if people really knew how important their thoughts were they would never think anything negative. Hang in there, stay positive and have a fabulous week.

Love and Light