As the light and dark battle races to the end in linear time, in the continuum Light is already winning. Light will triumph so it’s imperative that we stay optimistic with the feelings of joyousness, exhilaration, gratitude, exaltation and peacefulness. It’s important to stay in high vibration as much as possible radiating positive energy out into the world adding immeasurable benefits to all.
The universe has vast pools of energy that can be thought of as clay awaiting a sculpture to give it the form he or she intends. Your thoughts and feelings (consciousness) are forms of intention, they pull streamers out of a neutral energy pool, attach themselves and give the streamers the direction that fits your intention. Balance is then achieved with the universe continuously expanding and contracting. Everything in existence is energy being given direction.
Many of us volunteered to be here to help humanity awaken, to open hearts and minds and reform life on Earth with love as its foundation. The entire universe is within us in our instinct, intuition, inspiration and aspiration coming from the Souls infinite knowledge. Unconditional love is what motivates far distant evolved civilizations to participate in liberating Earth from eons of darkness as love is the healing force of the universe.
Love is God’s sharing of himself with all His creations.
Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you.
Love has no limitations or boundaries to its capacity in expression.
Love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness and caring. All ingredients of Godly expression, God/Christ consciousness. Expressions in action knowing that you and the Creator and every other of His creations are inseparable is love.
Love is knowing that Earth is a sentient conscious life force herself and love is respecting all of her life forms.
Realizing that no one can know others at a soul level here on Earth and therefore does not judge them but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious is love.
Listening to ones God-self is love.
Feeling joy yourself when you see it in others is love.
Self-care is love, doing what’s best for your body, mind and spirit.
Doing something that brings joy to another is love.
Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love.
Feeling peace of heart and mind is love.
Love is the quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird.
Peace in the world starts with peace in our hearts. Love in the world starts with each person loving themselves. Love of self is the foundation for loving others.

Loving kindness is my religion.