Magical Breadcrumbs

I mentioned in my last post how Spirit leaves me magical breadcrumbs and today was a prime example of exactly that. I went to the grocery store, naturally I took my bike because anywhere I go that’s close enough to take my bike, that’s how I’m gettin’ there. I came out to find my bike lock like this…

Now mind you, my combo doesn’t have any repeating numbers, in fact they’re all over the board so the odds of them landing this way is slim to none. I call it magic(k). As I went to unlock my bike and saw this, my whole upper body went pretty much limp as I slumped over in awe and all I could do was laugh. I lovingly shook my head, said thank you and smiled the whole way home. Spirit never seizes to amaze.

I’ve also mentioned that I’ve recently been seeing a lot of angel synchronicities, like a lot a lot. I see angel wings, angel backpacks, tattoos, all things angels. I even went to Knott’s the other day with my friend Kathilynn and I mentioned it to her and then started pointing them out. She was blown away because they were coming at me like rapid fire. These are just the ones I was able to get.

We went on the stagecoach and for whatever reason I felt compelled to ask the driver his name…Angel, and the girl sitting next to him had an angel wing tattoo. After snapping pics all morning my friend was like, “so you just take pictures of strangers?” and I was like…”yep.”

I have no idea why I’m seeing so many angel synchronicities. I’m well aware I have an army of angels so there’s really no need to remind me but for whatever reason my angels are coming in hot these days. I’m certainly not complaining, I love and appreciate all my signs and synchronicities, they never get old. I’m constantly thanking and talking to my angels, and my guides, and my mom. Perhaps they’re just reminding me to hang in there knowing I’m ready for more but have to wait as everything requires divine timing and right now I have to just sit back and be patient. At least I have a sneaky suspicion of what I’m waiting for but I’m gonna keep that to myself until it actually comes to fruition.

Quick story about talking to Spirit. I was walking through the parking lot at the Kryon conference in June and ended up coming up on another lady who would appear to be talking to herself to the average Joe but it was funny because she was almost embarrassed and said, “oh don’t mind me I’m just talking to my guides.” I kind of chuckled and replied, “giiiirl, I’m the last person you have to explain that to.” We had a good laugh after that.

Knott’s was fun as usual, it was Kathilynn’s birthday. My brothers birthday was the day before so I silently celebrated for him too. Here’s some more pictures for your visual enjoyment. I just looked at the clock, it’s 11:11pm. Yassss.


this guy even had a harp


maybe this has something to do with it

happy Fall equinox yay

Love and Light