Magical Fingerprinting

Who knew making a trip to Mailboxes whatever to get your fingerprints done would be so magical. My new job required my fingerprints so I went to get them done a couple weeks ago and this tiny space was filled with all kinds of signs and synchronicities. I love it and for that I say thank you.

A penny hangin’ out to be seen.

A big fat angel number on the register as I walked up. Thats a four digit big dawg y’all, you don’t see those everyday, so awesome.

And of course some words of encouragement.

And of course this post is also slightly old news because my job was supposed to have started this past Tuesday, however wouldn’t you know it, the fingerprinting process was “delayed.” Whatever that means. Lemme guess…Covid? Lol

They didn’t say why and while most might be disappointed or frustrated, I was neither because in my world that’s no coincidence. It was an opportunity for me to question why I have an extra 30 days in which I’ve come to some conclusions. I’ve come to them now because some time has passed of course. I knew from the get-go there was a rhyme and reason for it because I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason.

The first reason is because a friend of mine was in desperate need of somebody to watch her grandbaby for a week for reasons I’ll keep private and guess who was available? So, thanks to my “delay” I was able to watch this precious little nugget and had a blast doing just that.

My intuition is telling me that there are a few reasons I’ve been given an extra 30 days so it’s important I use my time wisely.  I’ll bet that sticker I saw on a truck the other day that said “read more books” has something to do with it too which is why I left the library today with three checked out books and the purchase of five LOL. I’m officially a bookworm who likes to learn.