Manifesting. Here’s a word I do believe everybody tends to overthink, I know I for one do. It’s something that we tend to do on a subconscious level but spend most of our time trying to figure it out. It runs parallel with not just cause and effect but also with the law of attraction and can seem quite complicated.
I know there’s many who do rituals and whatnot but for me I feel as though it just happens naturally. I personally don’t do anything to ‘manifest’ because like I just mentioned I feel as though I’m always doing it anyway which is why it’s important to stay positive and think about the things you do want to attract. Don’t think about what you don’t want and do your best to live moment by moment which is in the almighty present moment.
Easier said than done of course and definitely takes practice and discipline. I find myself having to trust in my manifesting capabilities even though I don’t even completely understand it. In fact I stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago because it was just too confusing. I figure it’s just simpler to be a good person living with integrity and have faith everything happens for a reason, whatever’s meant for you will never pass you by.
According to human design which I don’t completely understand, but in all fairness I’ve never really studied it either. According to to it though a manifesting generator is a type of energy where individuals have a ‘sacral’ centre and other centres attached to their throat, which is the energy center in the neck that governs communication and self-expression.
This would explain why I have a blog which is where I communicate not only my self-expressions but also where I communicate information out to the public. The throat chakra on a fundamental level is all about communicating, listening and speaking with others.
Manifesting generators are multi-passionate individuals making up about 34% of the population with a lot of energy and a lot of interests who are here to inspire and create using their energy. I feel as though this will make more sense once those templates are activated and I learn how it is that I can really help heal others, and to be honest I’m praying there’s some hands-on too. Perhaps that would explain why my left palm has been tingling for months.
I bring all this up because not only did a video cross my path that I found to be helpful, I will leave the link at the end, but I also find myself having to trust more and more in the process these days and quite frankly it’s hard. It’s difficult when I feel as though I have nothing to do but at the same time also feel like everything is on the line.
I have to say I’m a wee bit disappointed because I’m supposed to be in Sedona right this second but had to chalk it up to the obvious reason that my bank account won’t allow for it. It’s frustrating because it was already paid for, I paid for the hotel a year ago. Ironically I got a flat tire the other day too which to me suggested that maybe driving to Arizona wasn’t the best idea. The tire is fixed but it’s patched and I don’t know to me that was a sign.
It’s hard to see the silver linings when you’re standing right on top of ’em and it’s not until you have the chance to look back and reflect that you’re able to see the blessings in disguise. But that doesn’t change how I feel this morning which is somewhat deflated. It isn’t fun navigating all these emotions when it’s imperative I stay positive. Clearly it wasn’t in my best interest for whatever reason so it’s also important I heed the signs and go with the flow.
It’s been a rollercoaster to say the least and not the fun kind you find at an amusement park. I say all this because I recently received a message about being flexible and trusting that this too is a blessing in disguise. All I can do is trust that my team knows what they’re doing (haha of course they do) but again it’s easier said than done.
I woke up to another angel message this morning that did put me at ease once again, I know they’re talking directly to me. It’s uncanny how appropriate they all are which is why I find it all to be so magical. They always know exactly what I need when I need it, just like they always know what’s in my best interest.

Calm your thoughts and move your awareness to a peaceful space inside your heart. Find the ebb and flow of love, the eternal movement of the stars. Your life is forever unfolding to greater spheres of love. Relax and do not worry about anything, for all is well. You will soon enter a time of well-earned peace and tranquility.
Love! Light! Blessings! Through this card you’re being showered with angelic light. Accept the blessings about to come your way, and know that you deserve to be, and have, all your hearts desires. You are being lovingly guided along a golden path, a magical journey through which you shall discover your true essence, the infinite and eternal you. Congratulations!
Every event in life presents us with a new opportunity to experience ever-greater love. There is a jewel to be found within every teardrop. Trust. We, your angels, are guiding the current events. This is a time in which you, and those close to you, will emerge strengthened by ever-greater bonds of love. Trust! There is nothing to fear, there is only love.
I will just be the little optimistic spiritual innovator in the making that I am this morning and have faith I’m manifesting everything my little (big) heart desires. Arizona for obvious reasons that I don’t see yet wasn’t in my cards this time around but make no mistake they know how I feel and will make sure it gets made up for some how.
I keep moving forward knowing everything will be okay, knowing I’m seen, I’m heard and I’m loved. I can’t really complain as I’m lying here typing from my bed this morning with fresh sheets. I love fresh sheets. Super grateful, always thankful, even when plans don’t go my way. Always finding the bright side, finding the good in every situation. I trust I’m naturally manifesting everything for my highest good.
I trust.
The Alchemist: How to manifest what you really want
Love and Light