Manifesting & Alignment

My girlfriend Megs recently asked me on one of our walks how I manifest and I responded with, I don’t really. At least I don’t have any manifesting rituals or anything. I guess that works for some and I wanna say I’ve seen it but it’s just not something that I do, I don’t really have any “rituals”. I pray and I meditate but I don’t have a set schedule on when I do them and rarely are they the same exact thing twice in a row so to me, I don’t have any manifesting rituals. I mean, sometimes I think about somebody when I masterbate, does that count? I don’t even know lol. What I do know is Jake Gyllenhaal probably isn’t showing up at my door.

I focus more on alignment. I believe in divine timing and have faith that what you put in will come back to you in the energy that you put forth. For example, I don’t think I shared the story of how I got my recent job so now I will. I didn’t quit the group home job until the day after my birthday. It’s funny because a number of things went down that more or less were literally pushing me out the door and I should’ve quit weeks prior however (I had a conversation with my guides and angels) I wanted to hang in there till my birthday knowing the house celebrated birthdays handsomely and I’ll be damned if I didn’t earn the presents that were coming my way. My birthday fell on a Thursday and I knew I would be leaving the following day because it was also payday, guess you could say the stars aligned on that one. That Thursday evening (thank you for my presents and cheesecake) I opted to leave about 45 minutes early, for the simple fact that all my kids were taken care of and I didn’t feel like sitting around watching everyone putz on their phones. Lets be a little real, I knew I was quitting the next day too so I didn’t care, I actually took a little pleasure in leaving early, and I really wanted to go watch the sunset.

When I arrived at the beach, it was almost as if the sun came out just for me and just for that moment because that’s exactly what happened. As I was praying and giving thanks for having the courage to take a leap of faith knowing I was done with that job, the sun came out and as I ended my prayer the sun then proceeded to hide back behind the clouds. It was really a beautiful moment, I remember it like it was yesterday especially for the way it made me feel. As I’m cruising on my bike heading back home I noticed a sign in a window saying hiring part time. I thought no way but following my intuition I turned around and picked up the application. Long story short, I turned my application in the following Tuesday and was hired that afternoon. Boom. It was that easy and I believe it was that easy because I was in alignment for the position, for the hours, for the circumstances, everything. I have to admit I did have a vision a few weeks prior when I was daydreaming about quitting my job and I remember thinking how fun it would be to work at this particular place. By definition to some that would be manifesting.

If you ask me, Spirit already had that job ready for me to take if I so chose and it was almost as if it was handed to me on a silver platter so hells yeah I was gonna jump on it. You mean, I don’t work alongside any coworkers, I have a key to the shop where I’m free to make all the decisions (within reason) while on my shift, and I get to meet people who are always in a good mood from all over the world, yes please and some more yes please. Talk about night and day from what I’d been used to for the last seven months. I wouldn’t say I manifested my new job, I was just simply in alignment for it and my guides and angels are well aware of my every move on a daily basis.

I had also simply outgrown my other job. I learned everything I was meant to so now I deserved and was in alignment for this job where I now will learn a new set of lessons from different people and specific situations, and the truth is yes I already have and will continue to do so until it’s time to move onto the next phase of my journey. The hardest part is having the patience to wait for it. Same goes with me and being Single McSingleton, I will continue to be single until the right relationship that is meant for me crosses my path. Either I’m still being prepared, or someone is being prepared for me, where we’ll both be on the same frequency. When the time is right, the right person I’m meant to be with will cross my path and we’ll be on the same page, have the same core values and will be chillin’ at the same vibration. I’ve done the work (and then some) on myself so I believe that whole heartedly 100%.

I believe that what is meant for you will never pass you by.  Free will determines when it arrives as decisions we make affect the outcomes timing but by and large, what is meant for you will never pass you by. In my opinion that’s why it’s so important to remain in the here and now. When you’re focusing on the past or the future, which you cannot change or predict, you’re not focusing on what’s in front of you and how you’re feeling about it. When you’re in the moment it’s easier to make decisions because your bodies helping you make those decisions. You’re body is constantly communicating with you and will help tell you what to do when you actually stop and listen. Making intuitive decisions is like riding a bike, it just comes naturally when you know how to do it. For me following my intuition is when I’m following split second decisions, when I don’t have time to second guess myself. It works the other way too but I find my intuition works best when it’s in constant flow with decision making and that’s when I’m making decisions pretty much on the fly.

Speaking of on the fly decisions, I opted to go to Knott’s Berry Farmy Farm Farm yesterday. I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate the summer solstice and I hadn’t been for a while. It was so much fun, I was happy they finally reopened the Fiesta Village and even happier to learn they honored the food program in one of the restaurants. It’s definitely worth it to purchase the food program but the options for someone who chooses to eat healthy and is pretty much a vegetarian, the options are limited so I was excited I now had three to choose from.

black beans with cilantro rice, yes please

Knott’s is definitely a happy place for me and certainly has played a huge role in the past year and half with helping me heal and for that I say thank you. One of the things I love most about it is the music. Wherever you’re at there’s some kind of music playing to keep you in a good mood. Especially the boardwalk, I can’t enough of the oldies they play, it reminds me so much of my mother which always keeps me smiling.

Happy summer solstice everybody, I don’t know about you but new seasons get me pumped for what’s next. The summer solstice occurs at the moment the earth’s tilt towards the sun is at it’s maximum. It’s the longest day of the year and it’s said that there’s an internal flame within all of us that sparks when the days get longer because the sun is leading us into better times. Without the central sun we could not survive, nothing could, and some argue it to be the actual Source. But by celebrating the sun and the power it provides to nature and igniting humans spiritually we can all connect to its life force reminding us of the ever changing rhythms of the natural world and our place within it. It symbolizes a time for growth, abundance and the potentials for new beginnings. I don’t know about you but that’s a yes please for me.

I found this very relaxing to watch, I don’t think there was meant to be sound. It was also timestamped at 10:27 which is why I clicked on it initially. It also reminded me of a movie I recently watched called Ender’s Game, very interesting (and good) movie, things that make me go hmmm. It’s a 1985 military sci-fi novel. It’s takes place in an unspecified date in earth’s future where humankind is put in harms way and are conflicting with alien species. It definitely represented the advanced technology that keeps showing up. My guess is that that technology already exists, they’re just holding out on us. I’m telling you there’s more to movies than meets the eye, always has been, it’s just a matter of who’s really paying attention. I know I am.

That was the end of my blog post until I remember that I need salad dressing so I hop on my bike for a quick ride to the store only to hear this song play overhead for the duration that I’m in there. Then as I’m cruising back beachside it plays again. Think Spirit’s trying to tell me something? It is my theme song after all so for that I say thank you.

Love and Light