Manifesting Generator

Ever since I posted about manifesting and how I really don’t do it, it’s been in the back of my mind. I feel like it keeps being brought to my attention in one way or another so I’m feeling the need to address it again. I’ve never felt the need to “manifest” as I feel like I have everything I need but since we are in the midst of Lion’s Gate (ending August 12th) which is a huge manifesting portal, I thought hey why not, let’s do some official manifesting. While I get the concept of manifestation I opted to dive a little deeper and learn a thing or two about a thing or two.

By definition manifest is clear or obvious to the eye or mind. Manifesting is to make evident or certain by showing or displaying manifesting. Huh? Lol no wonder I didn’t really wanna bother with it. All joking aside, the everyday dictionary and the spiritual meaning of things oftentimes don’t coincide. The spiritual meaning of manifestation, which btw is how I usually look up everything, I literally type in the spiritual meaning of manifesting. Manifesting is about creating a vision for the future, putting energy and intention into making that vision a reality, and then aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions accordingly. I don’t know about you but that seems like a lot of work for something that I personally feel that if it’s meant for me it’ll happen. Probably why I don’t focus on manifestation. I focus more on trusting the Universe and my angels. Speaking of it’s 10:10 as I type that sentence and 1010 is one of my signs angels are near, which is kinda silly because they’re always near however it brings me comfort every single time (which is often) I happen to glance at the clock or magically see it somewhere else.

From what I understand after you’ve set your intention and visualized exactly what you want, feeling what it would be like to already have it and then acting as if you already do have it, you then need to let go of it completely, put it on the alter, give it to God, trust the Universe, however you want to put it or however it makes sense to you. Basically, don’t think about it anymore and let the magic happen. I think that’s the hardest part for me. I’ve actually never tried it until now. Yes I have officially now set that intention and believe you me I’ve visualized it and then visualized it some more and now I’m gonna do my best to let it go and not think about it. I’ll be sure to give you a full report when it comes to fruition. It’s really hard not to think about it though.

Again I believe that what is meant for you will never pass you by, I believe that you get what you put in and I believe in being in alignment for things so I don’t focus too much on wanting to manifest things into my reality. I believe there’s a greater power that knows exactly what I’m doing and will continue to steer me in the right direction to be in the right place at the right time. So far on my journey, which is almost three and half years now, everything has shown up exactly when I needed it and I’ve never gone without. Even when I didn’t have the things society deems necessary to survive or thrive, I still had everything I needed, and I most certainly survived. I consider myself fortunate to have lived in humble city eating humble pie for as long as I did. My circumstances aren’t for everybody but for reasons that really don’t matter those circumstances were meant for me and those circumstances were the foundation for who I’m becoming.

Spirit’s funny, they’ll bring things to my attention, sometimes making zero sense at the time, and then bring it back around however longer later. Human Design is a case in point. It was brought to my attention maybe a year ago and has now come back around. It was way too involved for my knowledge base at the time and I’ll be honest it’s still super involved and can be somewhat confusing today. Human Design combines astrology, numerology, The I Ching, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, personality, quantum physics and Vedic philosophy, centering around the division of personalities into five energy types alleged to indicate how someone is to exchange energy with the world. Just another tool in the good ole spiritual toolbox. The five energy types are Manifesters, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. I’m still somewhat fresh with truly understanding Human Design but it’s on my radar and I’ll learn more about it as I need to but my point was perhaps I’m not huge on the rituals for manifesting because according to Human Design I’m a Manifesting Generator.

Manifesting Generators represent 32-34% of the global population. Their innate purpose is to inspire, energize and produce their unique gifts and work. Manifesting Generator archetypes are multi-passionate, multi-hyphenate (many deep multifaceted desires) individuals with many interests and a shit ton of energy (sounds about right lol) who need to manage the variety and evolving intensity of all their different desires. From a technical standpoint a Manifesting Generator is someone who has a defined sacral center and a defined motor center (root, solar plexus, ego/heart and sacral center) attached to their throat center.

not my chart just an example

I don’t know, I feel like journaling everyday and speaking with my guides and angels on a daily are good enough for me to manifest my best life and if you ask me, so far so good. I’m at the tip of the iceberg so I know it’s only going to get better. I consider myself special, and not just the “your mommy thinks your special” kind of special. I’m here to complete a mission. I volunteered to be here at this exact time in life where everything is changing because everything has to change. I’m not exactly sure what that mission entails yet and that’s okay I don’t have to know all the details right now because I’m still in training. I just know Spirit has my back 100% as they never disappoint and are guiding me to what I need to know when I need to know it and they make sure I have everything I need when I need it and for that I’m truly grateful.

I’ve learned so much already but again, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. My perspectives have changed drastically from what I thought to be true to what I think and believe today. I’ve stepped into so many roles I’m still wrapping my head around them all and can only imagine what may be next. I can only imagine because I truly have no idea what the future holds which is another part of my journey that’s been challenging for me, and that’s learning the art of surrendering, letting go of what I can’t control and things that I don’t know. That’s what faith and trust in the Divine are all about and it’s so much easier said than done, haha like most (important) things in life, right?

From what I understand the 5th dimension is somewhat of a paradox because we’re meant to have our minds blown at this time. We’re meant to transmute what our mind has the capacity to understand and in order to do that we must give in to what we don’t completely understand and/or can’t quite figure out. It’s in our inability to figure something out that we eventually give up and it’s in that surrendering we’re able to take a quantum leap forward. All the quantum leaps we’ve scheduled for ourselves (maybe I speak for myself right this second) come in those moments when we let go. They come from the surrender. We’re meant to fail so to speak, actually I say learn, I don’t fail, I learn. It’s in those moments we let go of attachments and learn that we allow spiritual experiences to enter that go so far beyond the physical ones.

I do know that being human is a flash in the pan. We come and we go. We learn and we grow. It’s my job as an old soul, as a Lightworker, a warrior and so much more. It’s my job to think outside the box now and remain patient while I hurry up and wait to remember what it is I’m here to do. Part of that remembering is to think outside the box which hasn’t always been the sharpest tool in the shed so to speak because we’ve been programmed to think inside society’s little box but that’s all changing now. And now these new tools of remembering and thinking outside are suddenly becoming very, very attainable. As the energy of the Earth is shifting, the tools that us old souls need to do certain things are raising to the surface and being sharpened by the blacksmiths of the Universe.

I’d like to take a moment to send prayers and positive vibrations to all those going through the tragic fire(s) on Maui right this second as I’m sure it’s devastating on so many levels. These pictures of Lahaina are sent from my cousin Kimmie who doesn’t live on Maui, she lives on the main island but she says it’s just awful right now and I can only imagine. But being the optimistic Aries that I am I’m wondering why this is all happening and while she said the cause of the fire is still unknown (might be intentional), I can’t help but to wonder if maybe it has something to do with Lemuria and maybe this will uncover some ancient secrets or something. I keep hearing and seeing expect the unexpected, not necessarily in regards to this but just in general.


all things are possible with God

Love and Light