Manuel Antonio National Park

Manuel Antonio National Park

After being sick for so long I was starting feel like I was on house arrest again so I needed to get out and do something. Really wasn’t in the mood to go volunteer, gotta be honest, and kinda didn’t wanna go to Spanish class either. Wasn’t really feelin it when it came to learning their language so I went to the national park.

Most fun I’d had since I’d been there, and it’s been a month. Wisconsin showed up a couple days prior, actually we manifested her ass lol. A few days before Wisconsin did show up we were having a good laugh cause the teacher (J Lo) called me Stephanie by accident, so for the rest of that day I blamed everything on Stephanie. We laughed pretty hard a couple times and then holy shit balls Stephanie really showed up.  

The park was awesome, so amazing on every level. We were crossing through a restricted area trying to get to the beach to lay out when I saw a kid (I say kid cause he was like 25) waving at me. I had actually seen him when we first entered but no words were exchanged.

Anyway we headed over and boy were we in for a treat. Chris (from Germany) had smuggled a banana in and when he wasn’t looking a monkey snagged it before he had a chance to blink. He was super nice so I asked we could join him and spent the rest of the day hanging out, monkey watching and had some good laughs.

I guess I was supposed to be watching Steph’s bag while she went swimming, I didn’t hear a  thing, when she came back her shit was everywhere. One of ’em went through it like they were TSA, and I heard nada. These guys are good, but you gotta figure they’ve been doin’ this shit for years, perfecting it even more as the years go by, each generation getting better and better.

It was great when new fresh meat would come around to lay out totally unaware of the monkey Shenanigans going down. I watched one walk right up to my back pack and take my repellent. I could’ve smacked it out of his grubby lil hand, had I been fast enough lol. Nope, gone.

And you know what’s even funnier, they knew exactly what it was and even acted as if they were applying to one another. Eventually they dropped it and after washing all the slobber off I put it back only to find it the next day empty. I’ll be damned it had been punctured and they really were applying it. We watched for the next couple  couple hours of the fresh meat coming to lay out and loose their stuff.



Stephanie had left at one point to go to Spanish class so Chris and I headed to the rainforest of the park. Absolutely stunning and actually the best part in my opinion. Staircase after staircase and just green everywhere.




Heard a monkey that scared the shit out of me cause it was loud and had no idea where it really was. I just pictured this razorback charging at me when I least expected it.


So a crab and a frog but they were too quick to get a pic. Beautiful waterfall at the end of the path, it was hard to want to turn around and go back. Could’ve stayed for hours but the sun was almost gone and we were starving.




— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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