Many Lives, Many Dreams

I just finished the book Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian L. Weiss, M.D. It’s funny how this book crossed my path. My friend Megan had given it to me a few weeks ago but still having to finish two other books, I put it on my bookshelf. Maybe four days ago I was listening to Adam Ferrari’s podcast and the speaker mentioned how the book just made complete sense and changed her life. I looked over at my shelf, saw it, smiled and picked it up. I read it in three days. I still haven’t finished the podcast.

Past lives…fascinating.



Life after death…fascinating.

If it’s meant to be on my journey, it will cross my path. Just like everything else that shows up in due time, I’m just hoping and praying that these are subjects I can get involved with. I can do anything I put my mind to and now that I know my life is limitless, anything’s possible. I’m probably a year out from getting my Bachelors degree in Applied Psychology if I choose to go back to school. It’s definitely on my radar. It’s important to pay attention to the things that really catch your attention and even more so with the things we’re passionate about. The book was amazing, thanks Megs.

Dreams are such a trip. Some nights I have the weirdest, make no sense but write ’em down anyway dreams and then sometimes I have one like I had last night. It was so real and so wonderful. I dreamt I was wedding dress shopping with my mom. Why I was trying on a black and silver dress is beyond me but anyway I just remember it being so real. I told her, “don’t worry I’m paying for this one” lol. The dressing rooms were super crowded and super busy and super messy. There was even a character type person/thing right out of the bar from Star Wars, or Empire Strikes Back, rather. Not a specific character, just one that looked like that’s probably where he came from.

My mom was asking me about what I was learning and what stands out the most was me being so excited to tell her that we spend lifetime after lifetime learning and growing, that we’re here to experience life for so many reasons and through our five senses (even though we have six). I just remember being so excited to tell her about it all and that’s when it hit me. As I was changing back into my regular clothes, after seeing a paper thin pager/beeper on a shelf and taking a roller skate tangled in tulle away from a little girl so she wouldn’t rip it (idk lol), that’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks…my mom had already transitioned. How was I going to explain it to her? How was she even here talking to me, she was right outside the dressing room, and then she wasn’t. I remember my heart feeling so heavy. I then, standing in the dressing room in front of the mirror, visualized myself sitting at a fountain in the mall with my face in my hands crying because my mom was gone again, and then I woke up.

In the dream it was so real, she was so real. I can’t help but to wonder what the hidden message in that was. The two things that stick out the most was how I was so amazed that my mom was there, how could she be there with me when she had already transitioned? And the other thing that stuck out was the excitement I had for everything I was learning. I know a big part about dreams is how your subconscious is oftentimes working things out when you sleep, helping you process life as we know it. I know reading that book had something to do with it too but I can’t help but to also wonder if maybe, just maybe it’s a glimpse into my future and how I’m going to make contact with her for real at some point. Make contact, haha that sounds like I’m trying to reach my galactic family. Oh wait, I wanna do that too.

As I was laying in bed reflecting on my dream I had somewhat of an a-ha moment too and I wondered or perhaps it dawned on me that my brother had hung in there so long in ICU because he was afraid to die. Not sure where these thoughts came from but whatevs. Oftentimes it’s when we’re still waking up, kind of in that in between state that realizations and answers come to us. Anyway I was thinking how heĀ  wanted to move on but couldn’t. It was me telling him about the afterlife and how they were all waiting for him on the Other Side, it was shortly thereafter that he was able to let go and move on. When I look back now on those exact moments of the last fifteen minutes of him in this lifetime, it brings me so much peace.

I’m so grateful I was able to be there for him. In fact it was of the utmost importance that I was there for him. It’s why I ended up in HB and it’s why we had a falling out. It was imperative that I was able to forgive him, I mean he was my brother and the love I have for him trumped any negative feelings I may have had, warranted or not, but it was so important for that to all go down the way it did. I didn’t see it then but it’s crystal clear now. It’s beautiful really. Now I realize just how far I have come and how important forgiveness and love really are.

I don’t know if John was afraid to die, he certainly didn’t discuss his feelings with anyone, especially those kind and if he was afraid to die he certainly wouldn’t have told anybody about it. He bottled up all of his emotions, always had, which isn’t good on any level. I could go on for days about that but won’t right now.

People are so afraid to die, I do believe it’s the number one fear everyone has when in reality (I use that term loosely) it’s truly the most beautiful thing to experience. Death is rebirth. Everyone is so afraid to die and I get it, it’s the ultimate unknown but it really is just a transition back to our spiritual selves. I want to shout it from the rooftops, it’s nothing to be feared! We most definitely one hundred percent reconnect with our loved ones who have beat us to the transition line and when we do die there is nothing but love, light, peace, harmony and Spirit. The book confirmed everything I had already learned and deep down had already known but man, what a liberation.

I don’t know exactly what the future holds for me I just know I have to follow my heart. I do know it’s big though as I continuously and sporadically get little clues here and there, those little magical breadcrumbs that are just enough to keep me on the edge of my seat and make sure to reassure me to always keep the faith because I truly believe that I have a special reason for incarnating here during this incredible era of transformation, personally, collectively and globally.

I sometimes need to remind myself that my birth chart says it all so to speak. I do have a stellium in Aries in the 9th house of spirituality. Stelliums are pretty rare astrological configurations, a cluster of planets that strengthen the energy of whatever sign and house they fall in. This concentration of energies creates a focal point of influence that can significantly shape a person’s life journey.

My North Node is in Sagittarius, which focuses on what we’re here to learn in this lifetime, it’s in my 4th house which is all about family and home. The North Node, or True Node is a point in your birth chart that reflects the moon’s nodes and represents where you’ll learn your life lessons. Boy that hits the nail on the head. So many of my life lessons have encompassed family, and I’ve lost both my family and home and now have to start over, but this time I’ve learned my lessons and I can finally start building new ones, this time starting with a solid foundation because I’ve done the work.

North Node in Sagittarius bottom line is to learn to live life in a more expansive and philosophical manner, it speaks of the emergence of wisdom. Learning to make decisions based on knowledge, experience and intuitive understanding. You mean my impulsive Aries way of thinking isn’t always best lol? North Node in Sagittarius people are waking up to the fact that there’s more to life than what meets the eye and are on a quest to know and apply spiritual truths. Astrology…fascinating.

Speaking of astrology, I’m off to see a live recording of The Leo King at his recording studios. I’ve mentioned him before and admire his tenacity and kind of like his bluntness, he says stuff nobody else does or is afraid to. He’s funny. He comes with a lot of experience and is wicked smart when it comes to astrology and spirituality, he knows his shit. He actually inspires me quite a bit. I watch his YouTube livestream, The Awakening Experience with Rich Lopp, every Monday and am super excited to go see it live-live. We’ll also be discussing the Equinox and who knows what else. I just know when I saw the opportunity I seized it without even having to think twice. Gotta love following my intuition and I’m always down for an adventure.

Love and Light