Mater Dei Special Games & Bubble Run

This is exactly why I’m staying with my current job. These events don’t happen often enough but these past two weekends have filled my heart with so much joy as I get to do what I do best and in the environment that feels so right… outside in nature with all things special needs. The bubble run wasn’t a special needs event but the games at Mater Dei were and it reminded me of the days at Cal State Fullerton when I would volunteer for the Special Olympics with my mom. So rewarding, I cherish all those memories.

And of course the day wouldn’t be complete without signs and angel numbers. There was a butterfly too but I wasn’t quick enough lol.

Did someone say bubbles and tutus? It was our first bubble run 5K. As much as I wish I could say I completed it, that medal’s honorary cause we only walked about a quarter of it, understandably. And while I’m learning some tough lessons at my current job I know it’s all for purpose as I’m still learning to master my emotions and learning the art of reaction, or lack there of. It’s interesting because I heard from my guides the other morning and this is the message I received…

When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening…that’s where your power is.”

Man, that certainly clicked and it was in that exact moment that I really knew why I was being asked to stay at my current job and not switch to a different one. I had the chance but I also saw red flags and also knew that it was a test from the universe to see if I’ve learned anything (especially about red flags) and if I was going to give my power away. As much as I feel I’m ready to move forward I clearly still have shit to learn. At least I recognize and realize that that’s what’s happening and I have to remind myself, like so many challenges, this isn’t forever it’s just for now. I have to be patient (as always) and reflect on these lessons, learn from them and do what I have to do to master them. It’s not easy, it’s actually one of the hardest parts of my journey right now and thus far, and that’s learning not to react to lower energy vibrations with things like pettiness, jealousy, gossip and the like.

I’ve never been one to back down from a fight, I’m full of hot air as an Aries but that’s not what it’s about anymore. I don’t have to defend my character anymore because I know who I am, my mom knows who I am and my angels and guides and God have always known who I am. It’s about not letting other people’s opinions, especially when they’re preconceived and/or wrong, get to me. It’s about knowing my value and knowing my worth and not giving two shits about what people think. It’s also about having compassion and forgiveness for those who are in no way trying to better themselves, ever, and because of that knowing that they just don’t know any better, that’s who they are, and move forward. So much easier said than done but nothing about a journey of self-discovery and changing for the better is easy. Nothing. If it was easy more people would do it, I’d hope anyway.

Not all of my coworkers are challenging but enough are. It only takes a few bad apples in a bunch but those bad apples are everywhere, especially in today’s day and age with all the narcissism running around and everybody and their hard on to control people, places and things. My job is to be the light in the dark and remember that everything gets better with time. My people are coming, it’s not a matter of if but rather when and having faith in divine timing.

Gotta love the penny at the bottom of my backpack. When I do move on to bigger and better it will be bitter sweet as I’ll be more than ready to be around people who appreciate each other and show unconditional kindness, but I will most definitely miss the kids. These pictures say it all.

Love and Light