Matt Kahn, what an amazingly inspirational spiritual being. I’m familiar with his messages, I don’t follow him like I follow Kryon but he’s known as “the I love you guy” and was actually on the front page of Forbes magazine however long ago. I had no idea how stinkin’ funny he was though, I thought I was sitting in the audience of stand up comedy there for a minute. He shared so much about his personal life too that just blew my mind. He mentioned he actually knows the date and time of his death, which isn’t far from now, and yet still demonstrates the most upbeat, unconditional love and kindness. He’s next level. I don’t know if I’d want to know my exit point but I guess that’s just part of his journey, along with spreading his message to as many people as possible in what little time he has.
Speaking with people I find it really interesting to learn how everyone’s journey is so different. I mean, I’m well aware that each journey is unique to each individual but I didn’t realize just how different they all could be. I guess I just assumed everyone had spiritual bootcamp living in their cars or something, I don’t know, I haven’t really had the chance to discuss other peoples awakenings or journeys. Some people have been on their journey’s for decades and have been following Kryon for the same. I feel like I’ve been on a crash course and consider myself still wet behind the ears. I suppose I need to give myself some credit for catching up quickly because it’s literally been three years of studying every single day to be where some people it’s taken thirty years.
The whole point of this conference really, at the end of the day, is to leave better than you came and I’ve gotta say I’m already there, and we’re on day 2. The healing messages and just overall sense of oneness is invigorating. It all makes so much sense. I don’t know if these are my people though…I walked around the whole day with my tag sticking out and nobody told me, there’s 600 people here. Am I the only one who walks through life on tag patrol? All joking aside, feeling the connectedness in knowing we’re all connected is pretty cool, it’s refreshing to know I’m not alone on the physical plane. Matt did a little meet and greet I have to admit I was a wee bit star struck.
After day 2 of the conference I headed out to get my aura read and a tea leaf reading. A few weeks ago I was told to pay attention to tea leaves and last night I received a message from my guides to watch out for hearts because a recently passed on loved one would be showing me signs through all things hearts and when I walked into the coffee/crystal/readings shop I walked right into all things hearts. Stopped me in my tracks. I even purchased the first heart thing I saw which was the heart crystal, now I’ll think of my brother every time I see it. Do I believe that’s my brother telling me hello, you bet your sweet ass I do.
My tea leaf reading was pretty cool and gave me a lot of insight to work with and think about. It definitely gave me a sense of comfort letting me know I’m exactly where I need to be and will continue to be at the right place at the right time and just need to continue doing what I’m doing, keep the faith and trust in God. Nothing I didn’t really already know but it’s always nice to get confirmation. She mentioned a lot more too but I will keep my overall tea leaf reading to myself. I will tell you she was seeing a lot of birds, especially geese migrating so perhaps I’m ready for a move. Time will tell, and I also have to always take into account how much Spirit likes to talk in metaphors.
If you’re ever in Sedona and want to get your aura read and/or psychic reading, Black Potion is where you wanna be. It’s nice to know I don’t have any blockages in my chakras so for that I say thank you. Besides being creative, easy going, intellectual, philosophical and optimistic she also said I tend to be a shapeshifter, not the first time I’ve heard that. I possess healer energy along with teacher, mentor energy and would do well serving as a guide for others with my source of creativity, change and transformational energy, (seems to be my theme these days) with the ability to transmute energy.
She mentioned I walk to the beat of my own drum and don’t fit into many molds in society and I’m always changing my interests and passions in the moments with the knowledge and skills that I gain because I have a very hungry mind. Sounds about right. I have a warrior spirit while choosing the path less traveled and have chosen a more challenging path (you don’t say lol). I have an old soul (many incarnations) which is probably a part of the reason why I can shapeshift as I’ve mastered a lot to be able to access and switch energies.
The orange represents transformation and the dark areas represent negative energy leaving, it’s the sticky icky stuff from way early in my life, sources of leakage of my personal power. I’m now gaining my power back, sealing up the holes in it and drawing out my inner child. She said I’m finally having fun and my inner sun is finally starting to shine so there’s this higher awareness of 20/20 hindsight where now it’s so much easier to let go of the past. She said, “you’re just like, well shit, everything was happening for me and not to me so let’s just be in the present moment and play.” That kind of blew my mind because that’s a phrase I like to say.
Yellow is a big teacher, mentor, guide energy which is ironic because I feel like I need a mentor at this juncture in my journey but I do have my guides and for that I’m extremely grateful. She said I’m a great example for others because I’ve been through a lot and yet don’t allow anything to shut me down and harden me while remaining open-hearted and compassionate and I choose to always change for the better. It’s a transformative energy. I mean wowzas, it’s like she knows me lol.
So yeah, if you’re ever in Sedona and want your aura read, I highly recommend Black Potion Sedona because she knows her shit. What’s even funnier is she too is an Aries sun and Leo rising, we got a big kick outta that.
It’s 5:55
Love and Light