Meditation seems to be the word of the week, or perhaps even month because it seems as though I’m hearing it quite a bit lately. It is no secret that I ride the struggle bus more often than not when it comes to meditation which is probably exactly why I need to focus on it. I can recall hearing in the beginning of my journey that my biggest weakness will become my greatest strength and I can’t help but to have a sneaky suspicion that that’s exactly what they’re talking about. It is so hard to quiet my mind though, my gears are always grinding. Even in yoga, which is a form of meditation, I catch myself all the time thinking about stuff when I need to be in the moment thinking about yoga.
This meditation crossed my path like six months ago and while I’ve done it a few times I’m now making it a priority to start every week with it, or at least make an effort to do it weekly. It’s basically all about balancing your chakras with the power of positivity through visualization. It’s no accident it crossed my path as I thoroughly enjoy it, her voice too. I don’t know what it is with me and voices but they matter. I feel as though everyone could benefit from this particular meditation so I thought I would share it. Everyone can definitely benefit from quieting the mind, especially these days with all that’s going on. The mantras are a wee bit long so I took the liberty of typing them out.
Root Chakra (red): I am here. I am now. I am strong, stable, grounded and secure in every aspect of my life. My connection to the Earth and this physical plane nurtures and supports me.
Sacral Chakra (orange): Creativity is constantly flowing through me. I allow my inner self to be seen and expressed. I allow my emotions to flow freely, bringing me passion and joy to every experience. I am a work of art and I am worthy of everything I desire.
Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow): I have great purpose on this planet. All of the strength, confidence and life energy I need is within me to fulfill that purpose. I am confident and empowered. I trust in my inner wisdom and make choices that align with my highest purpose.
Heart Chakra (green): Giving equals receiving. I give and receive love openly. I fully open my heart with compassion and unconditional love for all beings, healing myself and all others.
Throat Chakra (blue): My words are like seeds. I give my voice to my innermost desires, truth and the wisdom that flows through me. My voice is authentic and powerful. What I say matters, and I express myself with clarity and honesty, contributing my truth to the world.
Third Eye Chakra (violet): As I allow the obstacles of my ego to fade away, I see clearly through the lens of my intuitive knowing. I trust my intuition and inner wisdom. I am open to this intuition and the new ideas, insights and wisdom from the higher realms that flow to me.
Crown Chakra (white): I am one with the universal presence that transcends space and time and pervades all that is. I am connected to the divine energy that flows through all things. I surrender to the highest and best that seeks to emerge through me. I am one with the universe, and I embrace the infinite possibilities of existence.
It’s as if these mantras are speaking to me and that’s because they are. Spirit knows exactly where I’m at on my journey and always knows what’s best for me. I am eternally grateful for the constant guidance as they continuously illuminate every step on my path. My free will throws ’em a curve ball every now again lol but hey I’m just being me and they know that too. The funniest part about my curve balls is they know they’re coming before I do, trust and believe they sure do.
Speaking of Spirit and the power of positivity, I was blessed with so many signs and synchronicities this afternoon, filling my spiritual cup to brim. I tackled my storage unit today, been putting it off for far too long. I got the storage unit when my brother transitioned but didn’t really organize it until today. Perhaps I wasn’t ready until today but I inherited his dresser from his roommate Jun a couple months ago and today was the day. It was cool to walk down memory lane as half of the stuff in there is mine and half is his. Anyway, Spirit was right there with me cheering me on the whole way with little messages to comfort and remind me why I’m here and to of course keep going. Thank you Spirit for everything.
Love and Light