This brought instant tears to my eyes and an ache to my heart. A good ache, for the most part. Of course I was absolutely devastated when I lost my mom unexpectedly because she was my everything.
But deep down I just knew I would be with her again so I guess you could say my grieving process was somewhat short. I mean, I’ll be grieving for her here and there for the rest of my life, like I am right now. I don’t grieve everyday though, or even that often I guess but it’s important that you feel these feelings when they do arise because the loss of a loved one will forever change you in some way, it’s different for everybody.
The message I just got out of this was from my mom. She’s telling me that she had to leave this physical realm in order for me to have my spiritual awakening to find my soul again. And I did, I still am and need to keep going. Confirmation yet again that her passing has everything to do with me, and for that I say thank you. And I love you. And I miss you. It’s not forever it’s just for now, see you on the Other Side.
Pain is just a lesson once you’re able to heal.
Love and Light