
Another reason for my delay is so I can go to Baja, Mexico which I couldn’t be more excited about. I love Adventures! Last weekend we put together a loft house and this weekend we get to travel to Baja, Mexico to deliver it to a family. I couldn’t be more blessed or honored to be a part of this project and am so looking forward to Friday.

To my surprise (but not really) as I randomly pick the station to work on there was a penny sitting right there next to the lumber which of course I later moved to my gloves but it’s always nice to know my mom and my angels are there with me. Let’s not forget all the butterflies and beetles that were buzzing around as well.

Sometimes I think I’m the only one who really stops and notices half the stuff that’s flying around but that would actually make sense considering I’m probably the only one who’s awakened to the state that I am. And of course it goes beyond butterflies and beetles but I’m just saying I’m always in the present moment and there’s always something to notice, especially in nature.

In reality my angel brigade never leaves my side but it’s always nice to have physical confirmation. It’s an Indescribable sense of comfort and knowing that I’m never alone and for that I say thank you. And of course there was an angel number on one of the pieces of lumber, why wouldn’t there be, LOL.

Love and Light