Michael Jackson

So, can we have a conversation about Michael Jackson? There’s no can…it’s lets. Spirit put it on my heart to share this song again. I don’t care what the media says about Michael Jackson, it’s all lies. You wanna know why? Michael Jackson is all about loving kindness and speaking truth. It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, Asian, gay or straight. We are all equal, we all deserve loving kindness. The media wants to keep us in a low vibration. I guess the media and him is old news so to speak but this song brings me to my knees! And I’ll tell you what, Michael Jackson was sent by the cosmos, just like they sent Bob Marley and the Beetles. How do I know? Because I have the gift of insight and I trust my intuition.

Read the lyrics, listen to the beat, feel the beat, and may it fill your heart and soul with loving kindness like it does mine. God is good. The universe loves you, Spirit never leaves our side. Never leaves our side, we are never alone. Know that!

And damn, it’s 10/27. A very special number. All things are possible with God. All things are possible with Love, know that too!

And you know what? Tomorrow’s the second eclipse of October. Be ready for change.

Love and Light