Transhumanism & Mind Control

It’s 8:30 pm on Wednesday night, I’m in my car listening to a podcast on my tablet educating myself and journaling which is nothing out of the norm. Whenever I come across or hear a word I’m not super familiar with naturally I go to my phone and look it up. As I’m now journaling the definition of the word (which is merkaba for the record and now explains the angel number 333 I’ve been seeing a lot lately but has nothing to do with what I’m about to type next lol) all of a sudden and out of nowhere music starts playing.

It actually scared the shit out of me as I felt a jolt of electricity flow through my whole body. I actually had to laugh at first because I’m all by myself and I seriously jumped out of my skin. I thought what the bleep, where is this music coming from so I check my phone, no other tabs are open except for my search I’m currently using. Then I hear a man start talking and I recognize that it’s actually a video that I sent to myself a couple days ago.

I was at the library on their computer and saw a documentary on mind control on and I sent it to myself via email so I could watch it later. I watched about five minutes of it before I sent it and that’s how I recognized the man’s voice and then realized exactly what it was. HOWEVER, I haven’t touched my email since sending it and it certainly wasn’t open on my phone so how it was playing most would find unexplainable.

Mercury retrograde? Ummm, sure maybe. Mercury retrograde does mess with electronics but so does Spirit. I don’t know what’s crazier, Mercury retrograde or, for me, it was my cue to continue sharing it, forwarding it to those with ears to hear and those with eyes to see sooner than later so here I am and here you go…


So wasn’t planning on posting anything this evening but once again I’m reminded that I’m not in charge here so I’m just doing what I’m told by the only entities that can and do tell me what to do. I love it and for that I say thank you. And now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go finish watching the documentary.

Love and Light