Moon Matrix & Star Wars

Wait…WHAT (the bleep)? Oh man, this just shattered my reality these last twelve hours as the first half popped up in my feed last night and the second half this morning. And it’s from three years ago! Whaaaaat? Needless to say my mind is blown, and a little saddened I’m not gonna lie. I love the moon lol. But I also can’t deny other factors that are popping up in my head that now kinda make sense. Damn this is mind blowing.

I usually don’t like to post stuff until I feel like I’m 100% on board with what I’m writing but at the same time with this moon matrix perspective I want others to be aware of it as soon as possible so of course you can make your own decisions. Maybe when I mention Star Wars it’ll grab more attention.

Last week while working my intuition told me to watch Star Wars with the kids, just another reason I love my job. Now you have to understand when I say my intuition told me, my intuition didn’t literally tell me to watch Star Wars, it’s just something that now in retrospect as I think about it, it had to have been my intuition because all of a sudden I wanted to watch Star Wars and now I know why.

There’s a line in Empire Strikes Back where Han Solo says “that’s not a moon, that’s a space station” or something like that. As I’m watching part 2 of the moon matrix that line just pops into my head, and again you have to understand that’s how intuition works. Well it may not make sense to you right now it makes complete sense to me.  And I’ll be damned if this picture from part 1 doesn’t look an awful lot like one of the scenes from Empire Strikes Back also, I do believe it’s when they’re going to visit Landau Calrissian…

Believe me I’m still in the phase where my jaw is on the floor and I’m trying to figure out what to make of it all but who am I to say that it’s not true, right about now there’s not much that I wouldn’t put past anybody or anything because this whole shattered reality that we’ve been living is just one mind blowing concept after another. I’d like to say it just keeps getting better and better but sometimes I’ll admit I don’t know whether to shit or shine.

I’m also wishing I had taken more notes and this is just a nudge from my angels that I need to be journaling everything and taking better notes. But man I get a lot of information, and not every day, because when I’m working I don’t research or do anything so when I do have time off I sometimes feel like it’s a system overload and I don’t write everything down but I guess I’m going to have to be more diligent.

Not only do I bring up Star Wars because of what I just wrote but I also remember researching The Emerald Tablets, which I want to do a whole post on when I get enough information and research, it was saying (see, and now shame on me because I don’t remember) something along the lines of people do have knowledge of The Emerald Tablets but it’s been kept a secret and some of the information leaked and that’s how Star Wars was made, that’s how Star Trek was made and so on. If nothing else this just puts the fire under my butt to continue my research on The Emerald Tablets.

And if my mind wasn’t blown enough already, as I’m inserting the pictures into my blog, last night for whatever reason I saved this picture too. I can’t remember the reason this morning except for now I guess it was meant to go in this post as well. A little reassurance from your angels goes a long way and for that I say thank you, I love it.

It’s important to understand that I’m learning all of this stuff right along with you, I’m just getting the information, however it comes, a little bit ahead of time so I can relay it to you but that’s what the spiritual awakening is all about. I’ve mentioned it’s different for everybody and my spiritual awakening has so many layers to it, and the truth about our society, reality, humanity is a major part of it, along with angels, supernatural and the unseen.

I also feel the need to say that if we want to know what’s going on in our world there’s so much out there in movies that have already been made and shows that have already aired. It’s so frustrating when I think about how this stuff really has been right underneath our noses. All the information has been within reach but we’ve just all been ignorant, by no fault of our own, to most of it, until now of course and for that I say thank you.