More Amazing Stuff

AntsCanada! I’ve been watching this since he magically showed up in my feed, I think season 1 episode 3 or 4. Regardless, I look forward to it weekly, every Sunday I cozy up after I get home from work and watch intently with a permanent smile for however long I’m blessed with his ecosystem-like vivarium. I love this guy! I’ve learned so much from such a short amount of time, and he captures the most incredible footage of just about everything. I will put the link to season 1 episode 1 (which I literally just watched for the first time) because you’d be doing yourself a disservice to not watch the whole thing from the beginning. It’s so fascinating.

AntsCanada. Thank you!


I watched the  solar eclipse from bed and didn’t get out of it till like noon. Rough life I know, it’s not the first time I’ve spent a better part of the day in bed, it’s something I like to do on Mondays, it’s so comfy. The only thing that really got me going was the fact that my computer stopped working…again. It’s the second time my wi-fi’s been mysteriously disabled, I still don’t have a definitive answer, but it’s whatever. I was showed how to get it back on track this time to save me a trip for the next time.

I was definitely feeling the energy yesterday and was triggered when I arrived at the computer center. They couldn’t find my information, I couldn’t remember the name of the last guy, on top of everything else. I was irritated and apparently not hiding it very well. The kid helping me, I say kid because he was young, maybe 19, was new to me and me to him as we’d never met. After going back and forth I felt the frustration and let the Aries in me get the better of me. It wasn’t until he told me he was sorry if he offended me blah blah blah, it was then that I finally caught myself and realized I needed an attitude adjustment.

I went to run a quick errand while they were fixing my computer which gave me time to reflect on what just went down and eclipse or not, Aries or not, my behavior was unacceptable. On top of that, this kid was so polite, he never lost his patience with me and really put things into perspective. So much so that when I returned, I said to him, “this might not make sense to you but I’m gonna say it anyway. I just wanted to apologize for my attitude and in that moment you became a teacher for me so I also wanted to say thank you”. He replied with a no problem and we both went on our merry way. It was quite humbling and beautiful all at the same time.

At this juncture with my journey Spirit has brought it to my attention in so many words that I’m fine tuning everything. I’ve definitely learned enough to grant me a degree in bettering oneself and for that I’m extremely grateful and can (now) fully appreciate being put in check by the universe. That moment when I realized I was the problem, and for what? I let the situation get the better of me and the second I realized it, there was nothing more gratifying than knowing I’m the only one who could fix it, and I did. I walked away with my head held high, a smile on my face and a lesson learned.

The ultimate goal of course is to not let frustration or impatience get the best of me and for the most part I’m pretty good about that, but like I like to say, there’s always room for improvement. The universe may not keep score but I like to try and always be the best version of me. I was frustrated I had to return to the computer center with the same problem but it shouldn’t even matter. It could very well be my energy disabling my own wi-fi for all I know. I’ve come so far so I’ll be honest when I was in the midst of all of it all I was like DOH! I know better! It’s all good though. The only reason I’m sharing all this is because I have to lol, again I’ve been reminded in so many words that’s this exactly what my blog is for.

Knotts last week

Angel numbers 222 and 555 are comin’ in hot these days which prompted me to look up the meanings in Joanna Sacred Scribes again. It never hurts to go back and reread information, more often than not you just needed to be reminded of the specifics if not given the ability to see it through a different lens.

Love and Light