Moroccan Poop

Moroccan Poop

Went to a semi private pool for the afternoon with one of my housemates Jen. Yet another spectacular view. Jenn was spiritual also so it’s always nice to hang out with people you can talk to about certain stuff with, she just “gets it”.

And we were doing just that when out of nowhere a white horse shows up and is just going about his business. Odd. We’ve seen horses but not where we were and definitely never without a person. Jenn asked the bartender and they said they’d never seen that horse before mentioned they too thought it odd. Synchronicity? Damn right.

And what happened next just made me shake my head. I watched a grown man take a ring that didn’t belong to him and stick it in his pocket. That ring was mine. Why I even brought it with me I don’t know. It was old, the silver plating was rubbing off, missing a stone and far from real.

I had put it on a bench where I was laying and left it there when I moved to a table to journal. But yeah, stuck it right in his pocket. Mind you he was there with his two little boys, all I could think about was what a great example he must set all day everyday for the next generation.

Like I said before, why can’t people just do the right thing? So frustrating. The old me would’ve called him out but the new me just let it go because I know my friend Karma’s got my back so no need for me to take further action.

“Believe in your own abilities and patience is a virtue for you.”

Jenn’s Tico showed up and we were chatting and I couldn’t help but notice the little black ants crawling on my feet. They looked just like sugar ants. Felix says, “oh don’t worry, they don’t bite.”  Like hell they don’t, oh yes they do and they bite hard too. Something prompted me to look up the spiritual meaning of ants, and I also looked up horse while I was there.

When ants appear in front of you, it represents unity and a hard working spirit. Procrastinating plans is not an option for you because you want to be always prepared all the time for you’re not sure what tomorrow will bring. There’s no room for isolation instead you seek support from those who are close to you, believe in your own abilities and patience is a virtue for you.

Ummmmm. So tomorrow I’m planning on cutting my trip here in Quepos short and am heading to San Jose for a week and then Santa Teresa for my surf retreat. Isolation over and when you read further you’ll learn why it’s a good thing I didn’t procrastinate and caught the first bus outta there.

Don’t want to spoil alert. And the seeking support part I associate with going back to Cali to live with my dad until I figure out my next move. You’ve gotta understand my dad and I love each other but can easily butt heads. He’s a very intelligent man set in his ways and I’m a very free spirit. I texted him yesterday to gently ask if I could come home while I figure it out, I worked on that text for days and would be lying if I said I didn’t lose sleep over it. Cause I did.

“Procrastinating plans is not an option for you because you want to be always prepared….”

But you know what, he didn’t even hesitate with his response and said no problem. I was laying on the beach under and umbrella when I read that text and I have to admit I silently cried a cry of relief. Found the silver lining to my trip here in Costa and that was my relationship with my dad.

And don’t tell him but I asked my angels for help that morning knowing I was gonna send that text. “Could you maybe talk to his angels or something for me, that’d be great.” I’ve asked my angels for help four times so far on my journey, and I’ll be damned if they haven’t answered every. single. time.

The horse is an image of fast travel , and the freedom and mobility this brings to us. Great loyalty. It will not give up on those it holds dear. The horse will be there besides you as you travel, forever your companion, faithful through your trials lending both friendship and strength as you go.

I’m writing this in retrospect of what I now know (a week later) and actually this horse has so much more meaning it blows my mind. But that is to be shared when appropriate and that’s not today. I’ll give you a hint though, it goes by the name of Pegasus, and I’m not talking about Clash of the Titans. Close though.

I was writing in my journal, writing a poem as a matter of fact, and couldn’t help but to notice this blonde chick sitting, and what I gathered, to be meditating. When she was done, I told her how impressed I was that she was able to tune it all out and just sit in silence.

A little jelly beans I told her cause I had too much of a monkey mind and would love to have that kind of discipline. So  we started chatting and she too was from Germany. And a Cancer. Chris from the park was a Cancer also, in fact, I think that made four Cancers now. Hmmmm. Ended up asking her to join us for dinner that night, she accepted.

Had Moroccan food for the first time and I’m sorry, I know it’s immature but it’s funny as hell and looked like an episode right out of South Park. For the record I don’t particularly care for that show, it gets on my nerves, but I swear we were on it.

Couldn’t stop laughing cause it looked like poop. I mean come on, you know you laughed too.

It sure was delicious though, yes it was.

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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