My Angels Are Pretty Rad

My Angels Are Pretty Rad

My Angels are so rad. This was actually the other day but didn’t get around to typing it out. What I wouldn’t give to be able to spend the whole day writing. Someday just not today and I’m cool with that. Patience they say lol.

I was having a bad day and long story short, my car overheated which really isn’t new because I’m aware it has a coolant leak and make adjustments often. But this time it was smoking and naturally bummed me out cause the last thing I need right now is car problems.

So I figured while it’s cooling down, cause I can’t really check anything while it’s smoking hot (haha no pun intended) I’ll just take my bike down to the beach, do some grounding and be one with nature. Nope. Flat. Ugh.


You have to understand at this point I’m really tired of learning lessons and being patient and while I never lose faith, it’s proving to be a little more than challenging as I’m wondering how much longer until my abundance starts rolling in.


Extremely frustrated and just over the day I did the only thing that was gonna make me feel better at this point and that was put my head on my pillow and cry. Crying’s healthy I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman it doesn’t matter it’s healthy and it cleanses the soul.

About 5 minutes into my healthy cry my phone lit up, I saw it out of the corner of my eye and thought to myself, “WHAT?” So I grab my phone and look and it’s a Gmail notification  from an arch angel and it read…….

Hi Melissa, in case you missed it, a poem from an archangel…….

Help me learn, so I know
When to stop and when to go.
Time to rest, time to fly,
Or time to let the past go by.
Heal the pain, heal the strife
Enjoy the wonders of this life.
Sent from Heaven, Up Above,
Angels send this verse with love.

Kid you not. Wiped away my tears and moved on with my day feeling 100% energized.

My angels are pretty rad.

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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