My Angels Have a Sense of Humor

Even though it’s been a tumultuous year and a half and I’ve lost almost everything, I take comfort in knowing God has plans for me. Big plans. So I just wait patiently as my life unfolds day to day and roll with the punches. But you know it’s not that bad. sleeping in a tent probably isn’t ideal to most but I did live in Colorado for 15 years so not only do I heal in nature but I prefer to be in it too.

It’s not so bad, my sleeping quarters are actually quite comfy with plenty of pillows and cush for my tush.

Somedays it’s tough to even get outta bed, and not cause I can’t or anything but because I’m so damn comfy I just don’t want to. And oh how amazing the rain sounds when I’m privileged to hear it cause it doesn’t happen often enough in SoCal. I hear all kinds of stuff being outside its funny. Last weekend one of the neighbors was singing about how much fun it was being drunk in the shower. Two days ago the other neighbor was pukin’ pretty hard from too much fun the night prior and then there’s all the side conversations here’s and there’s.

So, this literally JUST happened. It’s a good thing I too have a sense of humor. Part of todays angel message was to clean up the clutter in my house to make room for new energy, right? Right. Did I listen? Not really because you have to understand discipline has never been my strong suit. I’m typing away and this mother fucker (sorry for the language but that’s exactly how I felt)

has the audacity to walk across my leg and then continue across my bed, and he even did the sneak attack too and came up from behind. Now normally I would’ve said some serious choice words very loudly and smashed the hell out of it but instead it caught me by surprise, yes, and while I wasn’t thrilled by its presence and I did use the closest tool I had which was my phone to take its little life but I did it very calm, cool and collectively. Very out of character and just proof that I’m evolving.

Was that a sign from my angels to get my shit together and clean my little humble abode? You bet your sweet ass it was. So glad my Angels have a sense of humor and even more glad that I do too because it’s actually pretty funny. And it worked too, I even washed my sheets and the whole process took about two hours at ten o’clock at night which is way passed my bedtime. Side note, spider is one of many of my current spirit animals and/or totem. Sucks he had to sacrifice himself for me to get moving.

Sorry Mr. Spider, my Angels made me do it haha.

Sooooo, back to my living conditions. I’m quite content in my tent and am grateful I have my own space. My office isn’t to shabby either as you can see and I can wear whatever I want.

And I even have my own studio (brothers garage haha) where I create my bracelets and such.

Life is good and I know it’s not forever it’s just for now and for now I’m happy. Someday this is where I will call home so until then I have the patience and confidence to simply wait.