My Favorite Goofballs

My Favorite Goofballs

Where to start with my two favorite Costa Rica people really from Texas. Such good human beings, Richard and Honor married forever and still friends, I thoroughly enjoyed their company and am super sad to see them go. They were always up beat and never had a bad thing to say about anybody.

And believe me there were plenty o’ times to say bad things. Unbeknownst to them, I actually learned yet ANOTHER valuable life lesson. It’s nothing new actually, but they reminded me that when you’ve got a problem with somebody, or you don’t really care for a characteristic of and individual, take a long, hard look at yourself (if you dare) and realize that’s everyone is a mirror to you and that it’s actually you too that has the same behavior. Check yo-self foo!


hey didn’t have to say anything, and they didn’t, it’s not the first time I’ve heard that, but there 24/7 make you wanna throw up sometimes cause they’re so friggin’ cute and positive lovingly reminded me to take a look in the mirror and change what’s not right.

Ever evolving human beings we are, at least we should be because nobody is perfect and I’m far from it. I still have a lot to work on myself to do, and my journey to Costa Rica has humbly reminded me of that. It’s hard not to be jaded sometimes, or jealous, or resentful, because we all have reasons to feel those emotions every now again. Everybody has a story.

So the next time you’re having some of those feelings, remember that the struggles are real and nobody, I mean nobody is better than anybody else. We all put on our pants on one leg at a time and wipe till it’s white. I can hear my mom right now, “MELISSA.” lol. What? I didn’t belch. My mom was super proper.

“…remember that the struggles are real…”

Let’s talk a little about the properness of my mom and dad. Sorry dad, but it’s cute. And unheard of. So, my parents were married for forty years, and in those forty years not once, NOT ONCE, did they hear the other toot! I was like, “whaaaaaat, not even a squeaker, or a whoopsie??” How is that even possible?

I forget who said it but the best response ever (and with a straight face) was, “that’s not normal.” And you wanna know what’s even funnier, Paul Jr (my brother) and Shelly are the same way lmao. Don’t get me wrong I’m not down for open competitions or anything, but shit happens.

Literally and figuratively. And besides, farts are funny, when they’re not you of course. Many times I know my mother wondered where she went wrong with me because sometimes inappropriate things are funny, especially at inappropriate times. But she knows I have a heart of gold. 

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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