My very first sign was the day after my mom passed. I was speaking with my neighbor at the front door and I said something along the lines of, “no you don’t understand it’s like she’s really effing here” and right as I said that we heard a thump from the bedroom. I remember us looking at each other and be like, did you just hear that? How’s that for confirmation lol.
I was so giddy about the thump that I actually forgot about where it may have come from, I didn’t really care where it came from to be honest because I heard it. However I went to make my bed however longer later and that’s when I realized what the thump was. It was a wooden flower about the size of a dinner plate and about two inches thick, I have a picture somewhere just not on my tablet. Anyway this flower was painted and sparkly and beautiful, I think I got it at a garage sale. I loved it and had it by my bed for about six months, and this flower was heavy mind you so it wasn’t going anywhere. It came no surprise to me that that’s the object she would have moved because she loved flowers as she loved her garden.
I received many signs in the first few weeks as you could imagine, she was constantly reassuring me that she was still around but it was when I took a picture at the airplane restaurant a couple months later that I think I got what I consider my first big sign. Actually now that I’m really thinking about it this had to have been shortly before my mom transitioned because she passed a day before the plandemic. Everything would have been on lockdown for a while. Anyway it doesn’t matter exactly when I took the picture what matters is what’s in the picture.
If you’re not familiar with The Airplane Restaurant, that’s what it’s called, it’s located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It’s a super cool restaurant that used to be a fueling plane for one of the world wars I’m not sure which one. They converted it into a restaurant with all kinds of memorabilia and whatnot and so naturally I took some pictures. This particular photograph is the front belly of the plane.
The images in this photograph didn’t surface until about a week after the fact. I was relooking at ’em when something caught my eye and I thought wait a minute, are those orbs? And then upon further inspection I was like, are those people? And is one of ’em wearing a mask? I was a mix of both excitement and confusion as I already believed in orbs and the afterlife, always have, but why were there so many and why in my picture.
If you’re not familiar spirit orbs are magical balls of light said to be souls of spirits, they come in different colors and sizes and most easily seen when captured by photographs. A good example would be in the movie Poltergeist towards the end when they’re all floating down the staircase.
In my opinion it also looks like it’s somewhat of a portal and there’s also orbs on the bottom right corner, but that’s just me. I still don’t have an answer to this day, I mean I guess the rational lol reason would be that maybe they’re souls that used to be on that plane or from that war. Hard to say. I just know personally my initial reaction was, are these people waiting to talk to me? Why I even said that is beyond me but I guess time will tell.
Love and Light