My Happy Places

Roller skating is definitely one of my happy places and this morning is exactly what, not the doctor but rather exactly what Spirit ordered. I don’t even know how to explain it other than my activations must be kicking in because usually it takes me a few times around the rink to get warmed up but not today, I got out there and felt like a million dollars. I was in awe really and know deep down I can’t take all the credit for it. Something is definitely changing, whether it’s my DNA or whatever else, I don’t even need to know because what I do know is it feels different and it feels amazing.

Coming home from Vegas was a little rough I’m not gonna lie, it was difficult to return after spending four days with people who understood me and some of ’em actually made me look like the sane one. I spent all day Monday in bed watching movies, granted it was raining but I just didn’t feel like doing anything. If I didn’t take depression so serious I would compare it to that but depression is no joke so I won’t go there but I was definitely feeling some serious ho hum.

Tuesday I ventured out for work and went to the library. My angels and guides are so good to me, they know exactly when I’m riding the struggle bus and my mom showed up in every which way possible from pennies to angel number 111 and of course the day wouldn’t be complete without other signs and synchronicities. Thanks guys. I also did some sun gazing and watched the sunset that evening which was just lovely and very much needed.

I see this number backwards, forwards and sideways

It wasn’t until Thursday when I went to Knotts that I was feeling much better and more like my happy go lucky self. Knotts Berry Farm is one of my happy places especially now that it’s transforming into Knotts Merry Farm. It started today and goes until January 7th. Looking forward to Snoopy on Ice yes I am. Spirit didn’t hesitate to let me know they’re cheering me on as my signs and angel numbers came in loud and clear. They finally got Accelerator up and running, rode it for the first time and I’ve been going to Knotts for almost two years now. It takes the word quick to a whole new level, I think 0 to 80 in two seconds.


Bet you didn’t know Spock’s son worked at Knotts lol
It’s my friend from the beach jk
Best part about this pic is we had no idea who each other was but at least we’re on the same page

Starseed angelic of the 144.

Love and Light