My Invisibles

My invisibles were coming in loud and clear tonight and there’s no doubt in mind they knew that’s exactly what I needed. Something happened last night that shook me a little bit, I was able to hold in my emotions until I got home but I’ll tell you what the second my front door closed, I let it out. I cried for maybe five minutes, said what I had to say, pulled it together and went to bed. As much as I want to share what happened I’m not quite ready and will when it comes full circle, hopefully sooner than later. Perhaps it’s another lesson in letting go.

Tonight at work my team of guides, angels and passed on loved ones were letting me know they were right there with me and I must say, it helped and by the end of the night I was much better. I was over it for the most part last night and watched the babies at church this morning, which always puts me in a good mood. He’s chomping on my necklace, my angel got a lot of attention today. Here’s two reasons why I love going to church…

Tonight my invisibles made their appearances obvious and for that I say thank you, and I love you too. I had a woman comment on my angel necklace and she asked if it was my guardian angel. While I’ve never really labeled my necklace, it’s a pendant that belonged to my mother, when she asked I said yes and in that moment I became one big goose bump and I’m not kidding, it was all I could do to hold back my tears while I finished the transaction, I got so emotional. I mean I felt as if I was fully embodying Spirit in that moment and what an awesome experience it was, almost like nothing else.

Another lady commented on my necklace maybe an hour later. I didn’t ask but it looked like a mother and son and the angel was our conversation starter. They were visiting from Arizona and just attended some kind of Christian conference/concert. We were talking about how God is good (all the time) and then the movie Jesus Revolution which by the way I just watched for the first time. Awesome movie as I’m a big fan of Jesus of course but also true stories, and Jonathan Roumie. I had no idea Harvest Crusade and Chuck Smith started right here in Orange County. Long story short, she asked if she could pray for me. While I feel as though I have everything I need I’ll never turn down a prayer so I asked for prosperity. This woman prayed the most beautiful prayer I think I’ve ever heard and this time there was no fighting the tears as my eyes swelled up along side the biggest smile.

One of the girls from across the way at the Kite store, Alison…love her, I showed her a picture of my mom and pops from when they were high school sweethearts and she replied with, OMG you look just like her. She said it’s like you time traveled which made no sense really but it came out of her mouth and to me was Spirit speaking right at me. I got so excited at the fact that she said time travel, it’s one of my pay attention words, one that stops me in my tracks. Time travel, Pleaides, Nirvana, Lightworker, angels, Starseeds, quantum, all pay attention words in my world. I love how Spirit communicates through people. There was also a rainbow this early evening which makes two I’ve seen this week, these pictures are of the same one. Rainbows are a tell tale sign your angels are near.


I know the next phase of my journey involves learning, or leaning rather, on trusting my own inner guidance and intuition. It’s almost as if it’s time to put my big girl panties on instead of turning to outside sources such as readings and whatnot, it’s time to have faith and truly believe in myself. Believe that I have all the tools necessary to trust that I have everything I need and am exactly where I’m supposed to be. I keep hearing songs about spreading my wings and flying. I need to have faith in believing I have all the tools necessary and whatever it is that I still need will come with time.

Rest & Rejuvenate

This card implies that a period of rest, meditation, rejuvenation, and recuperation is in order; it usually comes forward when you’re encountering or coming out of a particularly emotional or mentally taxing experience. The number 4 in numerology means “foundation” so this is a time to heal, to be with your soul and to continue to move steadily forward. Allowing space for your reflection is both needed and long overdue.

Reposing and taking moments for yourself will give you the opportunity to look at a problem or situation instead of being in it. It’s a chance to stand back, view your life with clarity and renewed appreciation, and see where changes can be made to create a healthier and stronger foundation, enabling you to take the next step.

Let’s not forget I’m still working through the death of my ego which is definitely taxing in and of itself. I’ve been seeing a lot of 111 recently and while it has become my personal number for my mom I was nudged to look it up in Joanna’s Sacred Scribes again and it never seizes to amaze me that while I’m well aware it’s not the first time I’ve read it, I know I’m reading it again but it’s like seeing it in a different way, if that makes sense. It’s like watching a movie and then seeing it again, but now through a different lens, like when I recently watched Ghostbusters.

Having faith in my guidance is a major component to my journey. I know I’m being guided and it’s the little things that constantly remind me. For example, I went to a birthday party for my step sister’s daughter’s two little boys, I’ll call ’em my nephews because I think that’s technically what they are. A thought entered my mind a few days prior on what gift I could get for the both of them. I purchased that gift and wouldn’t you know it, it was perfect. I had no idea they thoroughly enjoyed dinosaurs but I was like wow that’s awesome as I high fived my higher self. I didn’t know they liked dinosaurs but my intuition did. After reading Joanna’s meaning of 111 I then clicked on lightworker and this is what it said…

It reminded me of a tattoo on the back of a girls neck at the skate center that read LOVE HURTS. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw it was, no, love teaches. Don’t get me wrong love can definitely hurt and I’ve experienced that pain on every level possible but it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that that hurt is there to teach you something. If anything it’s more or less teaching you the art of letting go. When it comes to the loss of a loved one because it was their time to transition, they’ve lived all that was meant for this lifetime. When it comes to relationships, know that you’ve experienced and learned what was meant to be to make you stronger and at the very least learned what it is you don’t want for your next relationship.

Everything changes (except Creative Source of course) because everything is meant to change. In (romantic) relationships you’re either growing together or growing apart. Humans are a social species, we’re meant to be together and everybody heals in their own way and amount of time. I have heard though that the divine feminine heals in solitude while the divine masculine heals in union. Like I said though, everybody is different. Either way it’s important we don’t let our past dictate our futures. The past is the past because it’s passed. The future is brighter so allow yourself to be happy in the here and now. The present with it’s dual meaning is where the magic happens so always expect miracles and trust the natural flow of life.

My purpose right this second is to recognize and enlighten, to become aware of my uniqueness allowing me to reach omnipresence and the unconditional power of my love. Recognize I’m being guided by something higher than my intellect. Our minds are just one tool. I need to ensure I’m seeing through the eyes of my higher self. We are souls in human bodies and not the other way around. My heart knows the answers so it’s my job right now to listen so the beauty of my being can continue to be revealed to me. Make no mistake, the revolution is here, happy Aries eclipse season.

Love and Light